Merry Christmas

Corny Held

11 Songs (Christmas), 31:29 min.
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Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Silent Night - Stille Nacht by Corny Held  
3:39 min.  
All instruments: Corny Held
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Virgin Mary Had A Little Baby by Corny Held  
3:59 min.  

Virgin Mary had a little baby

He was born on Christmas morning

Virgin Mary had a little baby

All the angels praise his glory

Virgin Mary had a little baby

Famous kings would bring him presents

Virgin Mary had a little baby

All the people came to worship him

Virgin Mary had a little baby

Think about what you could give him

Virgin Mary had a little baby
Virgin Mary had a little baby
Virgin Mary had a little baby
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Maria Durch Ein Dornwald Ging by Corny Held  
2:08 min.  
Corny Held: Alle Instrumente
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging, Kyrie eleison. Maria durch ein Dornwald ging, der hat in sieben Jahr´n kein Laub getragen. Jesus und Maria. Was trug Maria unter ihrem Herzen? Kyrie eleison. Ein kleines Kindlein ohne Schmerzen, das trug Maria unter ihrem Herzen. Jesus und Maria. Da haben die Dornen Rosen getragen, Kyrie eleison. Als das Kindlein durch den Wald getragen, da haben die Dornen Rosen getragen. Jesus und Maria.
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Amazing Grace by Corny Held  
3:36 min.  

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Es kommt Ein Schiff by Corny Held  
1:43 min.  

Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen
Bis an den höchsten Bord,
Trägt Gottes Sohn voll Gnaden,
Des Vaters ewig's Wort.

Das Schiff geht still im Triebe,
Trägt eine teure Last;
Das Segel ist die Liebe,
Der Heilig Geist der Mast.
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Fairy Tales In A Christmassy Shop-Window by Corny Held  
4:24 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass, effects, flute
I went down to the city - saw the people in the crowd
Illuminations so pretty, and the traffic so loud
Christmas is coming, and the folks are running
They're spending money to buy peace for just one day
It is cold in the air, and cold in their eyes
Maybe they are tired, some dissatisfied
Look into their faces, see no truth, see no lies
not the creatures in the window from a world which they deny.

and then I remember the days when I was a child
Winter rolling round slowly, snowflakes dancing wild
Smell of cookies in the kitchen, peace over the fields
In the homes to the candlelight frost had to yield
and the flute music mellow and the fires burning yellow
There was time for stories and passion and song,
Time that for good seems to have gone

and then you step into a fancy fairyland
Where silky flowers on the windowsills wave hello with their heads and hands
and the old houses smile at you with their framework eyes bent
Where a silly ugly dwarf courts a pretty young princess
and where evil is fought bravely till it falls in a well
and where stories of old are chirped by green finches
and you feel with those figures, feel the truth that they tell

and the tune of the Pied Piper is calling you aside
and you follow a miracle, in your heart you're a child
Not aware of a spell broken only ouside
There is something about it - it has got to do
with Cristmas time anyway, who dares say it ain't true
All tales may be right and are righteous and wise
and all things exist in this world, even lies.
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Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi Bum Bum by Corny Held  
3:03 min.  

Aber heidschi bumbeidschi, schlaf lange,
es is ja dein Muatter ausgange,
sie is ja ausganga und kimmt nimma hoam
und lasst dös kloan Büabale ganz alloan.
Aber heidschi bumbeidschi bum bum!
Aber heidschi bumbeidschi bum bum.

Aber heidschi bumbeidschi, schlaf süaße,
die Engelein lassen di grüaße,
sie lassen di grüaßn und lassen di fragn,
ob du in' Himmel spazieren willst fahrn.
Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi bum bum!
Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi bum bum.
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Peace On Earth by Corny Held  
3:30 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass, effects
Axel Wagner: percussion
Christmas time is rolling 'round
And Santa Clause is busy
There are wishes to fulfill
For Tim and Jean and Lizzy

But there's a wish that everyone
Got deep inside their hearts
For all the people in the world
No matter near or far
And it's: Peace on earth

The angels, stars, and Christmas trees
Reflect a glimpse of glory
They comfort even people who
Forgot the Christmas story

There is a wish that everyone
Got deep inside their hearts
For all the people in the world
No matter near or far

Should be Peace on earth

A little baby born that day
No superstar, no business,
Brought hope and love upon your way
And the freedom then to choose these

So Santa, here is what we wish
Forever in our hearts:
Give all the people in the world
No matter near or far

Give them Peace on earth
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Auf Dem Berge Da Wehet Der Wind by Corny Held  
1:51 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Auf dem Berge da wehet der Wind
da wiegt die Maria ihr Kind
Sie wiegt es mit ihrer schneeweißen Hand
und braucht dazu kein Wiegenband

Ach Josef, liebster Josef mein
ach hilf mir doch wiegen mein Kindelein

Wie soll ich dir denn dein Kindlein wiegen,
ich kann ja kaum selber die Finger biegen

Schum - schei
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Auld Lang Syne by Corny Held  
2:10 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,

And there's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie's a hand o' thine!
Let's take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne
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New Year In Songburg by Corny Held  
1:22 min.  

Bells and Fireworks
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