Day Dream

Corny Held

13 Songs (Folk-Rock), 48:59 min.
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Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Day Dream Soloversion by Corny Held  
4:16 min.  
Corny Held: Vocals, guitar, flute
Hans Schulz: backing vocals
When you see me doing nothing I am not wasting time
When you see me doing I might be feeling fine
Cause I am where I want, lost in my mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are people who are busy trying to catch a bit of time
But this way they won't grasp it, and they don't see the sun shine
Life is not just outside, it takes place in your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

Don't say it's good for nothing if you're able to dream
Don't say its not true, just because it's not real
Time passes anyway, if you feel it or not,
Watch out, it'll grab the things you think you have got

When you're low and don't know if there is freedom of a kind
When you cannot relax and you fear what's behind
Looking so hard for something that can ease your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are times when I'm lost in a day dream
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Death Of A Dream Soloversion by Corny Held  
3:55 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
Well, the world ain't shattered,
but sure it ain't safe
All the winds are alert,
You just got to be brave
There are hate and suspicion
And maybe better ways
Is it faith or superstition
what it takes to be amazed?

One dream's killed,
but another was born,
and the devil a-dancin,
Gabriel blowing his horn
and the world keeps turning,
and the prophets don't care,
Which value is burning,
or if a man's bare.

All the fairies are hidden
in their flowers in spring
and if you ask Merlina
she won't tell you anything
all the drops in the ocean,
they are sad and they cry.
But the Lords of the darkness,
they enjoy their apple pie.

Your houses are high,
your falls are deep
your cars are fast,
but the bridges too steep
Good days tend to leave,
yet the beast is asleep
and the hope in the party
is powered by greed.

You try anything,
and you got luck.
You got everything,
and now you got stuck.
and the rails of your brain
don't lead far any more.
and your feelings are sold,
and your heart is a whore.

A room full of vigilance,
a stock full of fears,
and a little box of knowledge
and wisdom full of tears.
and the times aren't right
for paradise birds
each idea got his bride
and some got more than they deserve.

All the mermaids in the waves
they dive and they sink
the sirens stop singing
and the magic dragons shrink.
and the love and the promises
are laughing in the sky
and a little dog's howling
at the stars passing by.
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May Your Dreams Come True by Corny Held  
3:14 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Volker Piske: bass
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
You go because you say you must be on your own
I'm sort of in your way and I'm gonna be alone
You never said you would stay,
and you never stopped to roam
I had thought it was OK,
as long as you came back home

Now all things have changed,
& without you they're strange
I'll get used to it, there was more to get over
There were things I had seen
that have never been real
Cause you were never really my lover

So what I wish for the future, & what I wish for you
Is: May your dreams come true
All your dreams

You were always a dreamer, once high up or low down
& I couldn't rely on your smile or your frown
You forgot me and later
you remembered me by
But I loved you around
and I didn't care why

We won't have to break up,
we'll just be apart
It is sure gonna be hard to get over
But I'll manage to make it,
I'll be able to take it
Cause you were never really my lover

And what I wish for the future and what I wish for you
Is: May your dreams come true
All your dreams

If you 're leaving for good, you see tears in my eyes
Go ahead where you came, I don't want to hear lies
Some day you'll be old
and perhaps even wise
Keep the time that we spent
in your heart , it was nice

& if you should seek to see me next week
You just make up your mind and come over
We'll drink tea and we'll smile
and pretend for a while
to forget you were never my lover
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Lullaby by Corny Held  
3:03 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Hey little baby can you see the moon
It'll light your night, you'll be sleeping soon
It'll send you dreams where the world is fine
because you don't know life, sweet child of mine

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad

Hey little baby can you see the trees
and in their leaves hear the gentle breeze
they'll whisper peace into your ears
and send you dreams of life that knows no tears

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad

Hey little baby can you trust the world
'cause you don't know violence and you don't know greed
the creatures of the night will send you dreams
where the world is nice and the folks are sweet

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad
Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Too soon you'll find life can be bad
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Imagination by Corny Held  
5:13 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals, flute
See the world in a mirror
Like I'm standing otside
When I look in the twilight sky
full of shadows, full of mystics, it's so high

There are hundreds of watching eyes
Moisture veiling their light
I can see through them what I like
clouds are driven shapes of water, blue & white

Hear the wind like a promise, I want it to be true
But it might be a lie like the ones that I knew

Why can I not believe my eyes
moaning winds mock my tunes
Can I trust in their minstrelsy
is it real, is it true identity?

See all things in a mirror
Fumes of figures I met
Fugitives from mere images
so illusive they can't haunt me with deceit

Twilight full of reflections
through the eyes of the sky
so familiar it's driving home
an ideal, it's an idyll, just a lie

Had to rely on some outlines,
dawn had made them complete
Now I fill in the features the way that I need

Fantasy is a mirror
Truth is only a word
Never wait for reality
Life is only what you want it to be
Life ain't no more than it just seems to be.
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Dream by Corny Held  
2:22 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards
Axel wagner:drums
Dream, dream
dream, dream
dream the world you need

Dream, dream
dream, dream
go to life in sleep

the day is going somewhere else
the light is fading fast
the silence calms the world to sleep
pretending peace can last

Dream, dream
dream, dream
dream the world you want

Dream, dream
dream, dream
go to your favourite haunt

The night is coming, rules this place
the shadows hide in shades
The less you see, the more you feel
the dark and different ways

Dream, dream
dream, dream
dream a world that's nice

Dream, dream
dream, dream
go to paradise

Dream, dream
dream, dream
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Senses (without band) by Corny Held  
3:11 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
One night a full moon came on shining down
A lady rode upon the rays
So transparent she stood upon the ground
and sparkled like the milky ways
and she said:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But she was made of haze, I had no chance to see
her in that shape again

Now I want to
find, find out what's behind
find, find out more
find, find what's behind
I want to find a hidden door

One day a lilly opened up ist head
A fairy sailed along ist smell
and iridescent like a summer breeze
Out of her eyes an opal dewdrop fell
and she breathed:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But she was made of scent, I had no chance to see
her in that shape again

There was a river giggling towards a lake
A wizard floated through ist tune
So magic hovering above the waves
He chanted some eternal June
and he mumbled:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But he was made of sound, I had no chance to see
him in that shape again.
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If You Were by Corny Held  
3:59 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Would you like to be a color,
Which one would you be?
Would it be dark and mysterios
Like a lake in the night
Or an ocean, feral and deep?
Would it be bright and sparkling
Like virgin snow in dawn,
Or in the sunlight the sea?
Would it be jarring and motley
Like a paradise bird
Or wild flowers dancing with glee?

Would you like to be a sound,
Which one would it
Would it be soft and soothing
Like in summer the sea
Or like thunder, ferocious and free?
Would it be music
Mild, mellow, and sweet
Or heavy and thrilling the beat?
Would it be nature or art
Like a song in the forest
Or even a great master's symphony?

You got your choice
It’s all up to you
You got the power
To decide
- What you are
What you want, what you do.
Think it over, and then
Pick the right

If you were what you are
Would it be what you’d like?
Would it match your ideas
Like a groom and a bride
And color the picture all right?
Would it meet what you need
Like a sound be in tune
And harmonize with your view?
Or would it just be phoney,
fake and mere façade,
Or really truly be you
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What Are You Dreaming Of (without band) by Corny Held  
2:24 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
What are you dreaming of
What do you dream?

If it ain't nothing, it ain't true
it can't be nothing for you

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream

Is it a dream about what's gonna be
Is it about the things you know can't be real

Is it a woman (man), an ideal,
Is it just what you can't feel

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?

Is it a dream to bring back former times
Is it of luck or is it making you cry

Is it of happiness or pain
Does it bring sunshine or rain

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?

Try to get rid of what's taking your time
Try to get rid of what's taking your time

Cares of tomorrow aren't true
Cares of tommorrow haunt you

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?
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Summernight Dream by Corny Held  
4:47 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
High on a cloud in a dizzy night
flying up high to the sun
Moonlight around, just a little light
Misery's gone, it is gone

Floating on air with a scary delight
Pale is the darkness above
Silverish world, there's no wrong or right
flowing upon streams of love

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
in a summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream

There on a cloud in a dizzy hight
liberty leading the way
Only a word, there 's no rest in insight
fever unknown to the day

Called by the sky, hear a beatiful sound
Voices of sirens & lyres
dangerous charm of strange spirits around
flow in a stream of desires

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream
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Sing Doch Mal Ein Lied by Corny Held  
4:45 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Am Morgen fällst du aus dem Bett der Traum war Chaos pur
Im Wasser brannten Brillis und am Himmel flog ne Uhr
'Ne Wand fiel ein, dahinter stand die Freiheit mit 'nem Knecht
Der warf nach dir mit einem Haus, das war zum Glück nicht echt.

Sing doch mal, sing doch mal sing doch mal ein Lied
Sing doch mal, sing doch mal und alle singen mit.

Im Traum da war 'ne Party beim Chef in seinem Haus
der feierte die Pleite und der schmiss euch alle raus
'Ne Mondfee sprach sodann zu dir du hast 3 Wünsche frei
Da fingst du an und dachtest nach da war der Traum vorbei.

Beim Baden gehen im über-Fluß da wurd der Fluß ganz groß
das Land war weg, der Teufel nahm dich mit in seinem Floß.
Das Handy hattest du dabei die Freundin rief dich an
Und sagt, wie du geahnt hast, dass sie dich nicht leiden kann.

Am Automaten gab's kein Geld der zog die Karte ein
Heraus kam nur ein Flaschengeist, der schien kein Freund zu sein.
Du ranntest weg vor seinem Gift durch einen dunklen Wald
Da stand ein UFO auf dem Weg da bist du vorgeknallt.

Du flogst auf einem Phönix, doch die Höhe war nicht nett
der Absturz immer schneller und dann fielst du aus dem Bett
Vorbei der Traum, das Handy klingelt wirklich, das gibt Mut
Dann sing doch mal ein Lied und dann wird alles wieder gut.
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Dreamland by Corny Held  
2:59 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Oh, Dreamland, you lovely, you wonderful land,
you beautiful crown of all the lands and realms
And if I ever find I am in the Promised land,
I'd try to return to your magic elms
It's there I want to live, it's there you never die.
It's where the things are made and where new ideas are born
It's just the way you want, it is Paradise

It's there I want to live, it's there you never die.
It is where things are made and where new ideas are born
It's just the way you want, it is Paradise

Oh Dreamland, you mystical, neverending land
You rule what is real, with a subtle force.
Your trees and birds and mountains are always there at hand
Of peace, hope, and wisdom, you can be the source.
Your forests are the deepest, your sun burns hot or mild
Your strength is so unfailing, my wishing well, my mead
Your spirit rest and longing, it creates new life

Your oceans are the deepest, your creatures tame or wild
Providing me with power and just everything I need
Your time is a river that creates new life
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Day Dream Bandversion by Corny Held  
4:20 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
Andrea Rei�: violin
Hans Schulz; vocals
When you see me doing nothing I am not wasting time
When you see me doing I might be feeling fine
Cause I am where I want, lost in my mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are people who are busy trying to catch a bit of time
But this way they won't grasp it, and they don't see the sun shine
Life is not just outside, it takes place in your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

Don't say it's good for nothing if you're able to dream
Don't say its not true, just because it's not real
Time passes anyway, if you feel it or not,
Watch out, it'll grab the things you think you have got

When you're low and don't know if there is freedom of a kind
When you cannot relax and you fear what's behind
Looking so hard for something that can ease your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are times when I'm lost in a day dream
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