
Corny Held

12 Songs (Folk-Rock), 56:16 min.
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Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Prophecies by Corny Held  
4:11 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel wagner: drums
You want to know what lies ahead
Will it be good or will it be bad?
About the future you'll find out
who with, where, when, why, what, and how?
You want to know

You want some prophecies? - You must be curious
You need some prophecies? - Are you really sure?
Do you love prophecies? - They might not bring you peace
You rely on prophecies? - to decide what you must do
You do want prophecies? - OK, it's your decision
They give you what you need

Give me a hint, give me a clue,
and we'll see what's in stock for you
It's easy to say and easy to see
If you want to know what's going to be.

Look at the past, look at today
Connect the dots and see the way
Look at yourself and look around
and you will see where you are bound
What will the future bring?

You want some prophecies? - Are you just nosy?
You need some prophecies? - You may not like them
Do you love prophecies? - Well, some are great
You rely on prophecies? - Do you expect any answers?
You do want prophecies? - OK, it's your decision
They give you what you need

Tell me your dreams, that'll be good
The past and your feelings and your present mood
Tell me your fears and your wishes, too
And we know which one will come true

What will you do with your fortune told
Will you change, or resign, or try to gain control
Be aware there's no way you can flee
Whatever you do - what'll be will be.
We want to know

We all want prophecies - That has always been so
We all need prophecies - Think of Nostradamus
We all love prophecies - Think of the oracle in Greece
We depend on prophecies - There are tarot cards
We ask for prophecies - And there's astrology
They give you what you need

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Winter Stranger by Corny Held  
4:35 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axxel Wagner: drums
Winter is rolling around
Snow lies on the ground
it's cold and it's quiet
in the fields

Ghosts of cessation are there
trying to haunt and to scare
Just brave them, start something,
don't yield

Traveling stranger, you can stay
for a night, or for a day,
for a memory, or till May,
it's a station on your way

Stranger of frost, come inside
Let's share a little warmth tonight
and maybe a dream
or light a fire

Winter's pregnant with a spring
While waiting we can sing
Songs of old or of
hearts' desire

Winter stranger, you can stay
for a night, or for a day,
for a memory, or till May,
it's a station on your way

Maybe you'll stay till it's green
I will not ask where you've been
if it feels good and cosy
it's all right

But some day you will have to go
in some other swirls of snow
and travel on and wander
through that white

Winter lover, you can stay
for a night, or for a day,
for a memory, or till May,
it's a station on your way
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The Price Of Peace by Corny Held  
3:16 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass, flute
Axel Wagner: drums
Liridona was fed up with being forced into line
she wanted all those wars and that hatred to decline
there was talk and convictons and all the world agreed
and prophecies and wisdom, but no plan, still less a feat.

So she went to the fanciful market of ideals
where the goods are kind of abstract and the money isn't real
Here they barter what is special, precious, rare, or dire
whatever you may fancy, your beliefs, needs, desires

This is the place where the spirits make their deals.
Whatever you imagine, impossible or real,
All values and all moods, what you need to pleaase your greed
is available , but watch out, nothing there is cheap.

There are stalls that offer things like work or success
where you have to pay in lifetime or some happiness
Others deal with kindness , power, or fame
And for a part of your soul even evil is for sale

There are dealers who sell hope, here your knowledge is the price
Some swap kindness for the truth, and you'll get a bunch of lies
Some trade honesty and insights at the price of love
You get wealth or independence or a war and sign with blood.

This is the place where the spirits make their deals.
Whatever you imagine, impossible or real,
All values and all moods, what you need to pleaase your greed
is available , but watch out, nothing there is cheap.

Liridona went through aisles full of powers, aims, and sounds
and was attracted by a dealer selling peace, in any amount.
So thrilled she asked how much it cost and how she'd have to pay
She knew that's what she wanted when she heard the vendor say

Freedom is, you know, the only currency I take
the more you want, the more you pay, I'll balance out the weight
So, how much the would you like, and how much can you pay?
But Liridona didn't asnwer, she sadly went away.

This is the place where the spirits make their deals.
Whatever you imagine, impossible or real,
All values and all moods, what you need to pleaase your greed
is available , but watch out, nothing there is cheap.
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The Sad King Of Paradise by Corny Held  
5:22 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
The king was sitting lonely
on his bench beneath a tree
He was staring at his castle
and behind it over the sea

The trees around him wearily
were shaking like in trance
bare branches waved like skeletons
a dance of death they danced

He saw it in the distance
the darkness in the sky
destruction was approaching
He felt a silent cry
A new age was about to be
born of this old in agony
Rolling thunder and waves so high
with the wind sang a mighty lullaby
The king was hugged by hopeless fear
this was the last waltz he would hear

His queen had starved that morning
like his people had before
He was the last man left there
no creatures lived, no more

the earth began to tremble
the castle had no chance
its stones fell down and bobbled
a dance of death they danced

Now nature's powers united
to play a final dirge
The wailing storms were howling
tunes without lyrics, not a word
Furious fires crackled rhythms
carrying out their purge
Along the raging waves roared out
a bourdon fit to merge
Thus bottled up he was aware
this was the last waltz that he heard

He was the king, he was aware
this was the last waltz that he heard
that was the last waltz he heard
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A Funeral by Corny Held  
3:40 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
If today was the last day that people survived
There would be a festival, a big party tonight
The remnants of food would all be shared
For hundreds of years this feast has been prepared

When the music is over, all things will cease
Let's bury anthropocene, we'll bury the ease
with overindulgence, the orgy is great
Don't run, just have fun, before it's too late

Now dance while you can till it's over
Let the music take you along
Sing while you can till it's over
each song may be the last song
it won't be long

Feel the rhythm, surrender, dance and don't care
It is hot and ecstatic and loud for the fair
It's a thrill, a jag, a trance, a cheap mart
Enjoy the final fete, take it all, die hard

We knew what we should, didn't do what we could
So maybe tomorrow we'll vanish for good
The day after or later we might all be gone
But if it's next week - let the party go on

Now dance while you can till it's over
Let the music take you along
Sing while you can till it's over
Each song may be the last song
Just hang on
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Nothing Remains by Corny Held  
6:55 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, keyboaards
Axel Wagner: drums
Time passes slowly or time passes fast.
Nothing remains, nothing can last.
Nothing remains, nothing's the same,
only change - round, round it turns
all the same

It's turning ...

Time is a wheel, able to drive,
it keeps rolling to carry you through that life.
Try not to care, just be aware
nothing remains. To the world
it's all the same

It's turning ...

Your trees, and bushes, and flowers, and weeds,
the creatures, and whatever they need,
like you and your things, your life, your aims,
your feelings, beliefs, your body, your name
pass all the same

It's turning ...

You can watch it, or you can use it,
you can try to make sense - in vain;
but in the end you will lose it
you will leave as you came, it ends
all the same

It's turning ....
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The Palmist by Corny Held  
4:11 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass; flute
Axel Wagner: drums
A palmist lived in Paradise - his name was Prophet Paul
he was waiting for some querents sitting in his market stall
But due to lack of interest, no-one seemed to call
So just for fun and dreamy he watched his crystal ball

He hoped to see a tale from another planet
catch glimpses of a future or maybe just some clues
But when he saw what he could see his mirth began to vanish
And he got scared, upset, and pale, and finally got the blues

And he thought:
Nobody wants to hear that, nobody wants to see
Nobody wants to know that - no-one will believe
Nobody wants to change their ways
But what'll be it'll be.

He saw a new age comimg not very far from now
when Paradise and all the creatures there had died somehow
Nature had been poisoned, exploited and destroyed
Creation's crown with it was bound to perish, crumbling into void

He was sure to see a tale from another planet
he felt like in a nightmare and he couldn't wake up soon
The horror made clear it was too late, they couldn't ban it
Paul trembled and he shouted "Stop it!" at the rising moon

And he thought:
Nobody wants to hear that, nobody wants to see
Nobody wants to know that No-one will believe
Nobody wants to change their ways
But what'll be it'll be.

And Paul the Prophet saw how we all ended in the gloom
people would neglect forebodings of the coming doom
It scared him and he took the glass and smashed it at the wall
it broke, the truth came out and said "all this cannot be stalled"

And he took it for a tale from another planet
but an evil and disturbing one he didn't like at all
He quit his divinations had failed, he was frustrated
and decided to go shopping at the mall

And he thought:
Nobody wants to hear that nobody wants to see
Nobody wants to know that. No-one will believe
Nobody wants to change their ways
But what'll be it'll be.

What'll be, it'll be
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Fire by Corny Held  
3:24 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
The fire whispers words of warmth
when it is cold outside
The fireplace is bright with light
when it is dark at night
The smoke is curling up outside
and seasons winter's air
The flames are burning high and low
and restless everywhere

It's always different from itself
each flame a new creation
The atmosphere it spreads is calm
the mood for meditation
The burning beauty of the blaze
lies in ist lively shape
All kinds of figures forming fast
short visions that escape

It looks so cosy, tender, soft
when wrapped around the logs
Bur it's mere sham, 'cause it destroys
the things it nourishes of
Small yellow tatters get torn off
the frazzled patches flare
they give a second's life to ribbons
that vanish in the air

Fluttering motion on crackling ground
unsteadily flickering sparks
Get sucked up by the chimney flue
and swallowed by the dark
What was a blazing carpet first
turns into embers fast
A glowing transitoriness
just ashes left to last
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The Fairy of the Forest of our Wishes by Corny Held  
6:37 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass, kazoo
Axel Wagner: drums
It was fall and I walked through the forest one day
when a fairy emerged from the fog on my way
She was lovely and friendly and I heard her say
"Hi, I'm Silvia, have a nice day.

I just heard your humming of a song
I liked the tune somehow - say, do you long
for something great and hard to get?
You must have a greatest wish, I bet."

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

I thought I was dreaming, but she looked so real
I was puzzled, confusion was all I could feel
But she liked my song, that had some appeal
I started to let myself in for the deal.

"Have you got wishes?" She wanted to know
but I was excited, and speechless, and so
she went on, I still couldn't believe it was true,
"which one is the most important for you?"

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy

Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

Sure I had wishes, my heartbeat went fast
I started to think, and to weigh, and contrast
I just couldn't decide which one was the best
Silvia felt that and she could suggest

"Think it over until you're fixed, now go home -
Be thorough, be positive, and decide all alone.
Come back to this place, call my name, I'll be here."
And into the fog she had disappeared.

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

I considered, valued and sorted, ruled out
Silvia grants me a wish all my thoughts were about
which one was important enough to forget
about all the rest, and then I was set.

The forest now transparent, winter was near,
Silvia was waiting for me to appear.
"What you really wish for - do you now know?
You don't have to tell me, just say yes or say no."

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

"You fulfil a wish you don't know?" I asked,
And slowly dissolving, she said "That's not my task.
I never promised to do that for you
I just want you to know, and to know what's to do.

I'm glad I could help, it's now up to you
your target is set, you must make it come true
I know you can manage, good luck, bye, my friend."
I went on through the forest around the next bend.
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Snow by Corny Held  
2:52 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, all instruments
The year is over
some plans have come real
and some others remain a dream

You can look back
at events and assume
what's ahead from the things you see

Snow is falling all around
where we wander, on the ground
and we don't know where we are bound

The past has gone
and the present has stalled
we don't know what the future brings

It hides in thoughts
or ideas, maybe in snow,
flying fast on its silent wings

Snow is falling all around
where we wander, on the ground
we cannot know where we are bound

Do we need
what we got, do we get
what we need to live and survive

Let's take time
take a break, think and weigh,
change, take over, we can decide

Snow is falling all around
where we wander, on the ground
no-one knows it where are bound

Snow is falling - And we wonder
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Virus( Band-Version) by Corny Held  
6:17 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
The earth has a fever,
it's rising steadily.
it's caused by a virus
called humanity

The fever increases,
but that virus resists,
it's ramping and raging,
it scars her, she's sick.

The virus is spreading,
wrecks life and alerts,
affects beauty and organs,
and skin, and it hurts.

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife -
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice.

The earth has got the time,
She will overcome.
but not human kind,
Some day soon it is gone.

The earth got the power
to defeat peril about,
She's had millions of years
to improve and weed out.

For other new lives
Will there be a scope.
Sure, no longer yours,
but with understanding and hope.

With your too many children you will shatter their future,
with your too many flights, cars, cows, and cruisers.
You can live and let live if you now stop surfeit.
Don't exploit the hand that feeds you, don't consume what you don't need.

The junk you buy today will end up as tomorrow's waste,
polluting soil and oceans, killing creatures, trees, or fates.
Start to think it over, start to change your ways;
Or your species is endangered, and numbered are your days

The earth is quite small,
There are limits to growth.
So many people, so much greed
More won't fit in, you know

Consumerism's an addiction,
destroying all things and kinds
and faith in money is no religion,
and that you own things is a lie

Droughts, and floods, storms, and fires,
These warnings remind:
You need the world,
but the world needs no mankind.

In 30 years, the world population is expected to have grown to 10 billion people.
In 30 years, the CO2 - emissions are forecast to increase to 43 billion tons.
25 million acres of forest are devastated each year, and every day 150 species just die out!

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife,
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice.

You need the world
But the world needs no mankind
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Prophecies Encore by Corny Held  
4:07 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
You want to know what lies ahead
Will it be good or will it be bad?
About the future you'll find out
who with, where, when, why, what, and how?
You want to know

You want some prophecies? - You must be curious
You need some prophecies? - Are you really sure?
Do you love prophecies? - They might not bring you peace
You rely on prophecies? - to decide what you must do
You do want prophecies? - OK, it's your decision
They give you what you need

Give me a hint, give me a clue,
and we'll see what's in stock for you
It's easy to say and easy to see
If you want to know what's going to be

Look at the past, look at
Connect the dots and see the way
Look at yourself and look around
and you will see where you are bound
What will the future bring?

You want some prophecies? - Are you just nosy?
You need some prophecies? - You may not like them
Do you love prophecies? - Well, some are great
You rely on prophecies? - Do you expect any answers?
You do want prophecies? - OK, it's your decision
They give you what you need

Tell me your dreams, that'll be good
The past and your feelings and your present mood
Tell me your fears and your wishes, too
And we know which one will come true

What will you do with your fortune told
Will you change, or resign, or try to gain control
Be aware there's no way you can flee
Whatever you do - what'll be will be.
We want to know

We all want prophecies - That has always been so
We all need prophecies - Think of Nostradamus
We all love prophecies - Think of the oracle in Greece
We depend on prophecies - There are tarot cards
We ask for prophecies - And there's astrology
They give you what you need

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