

Corny Held

3 Songs (Singer/Songwriter), 18:51 min.
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Hitze, Dürre, Srürme, Überflutungen - ein Song über globale Erwärmung
gewann bei Deutscher Rock und Pop Preis 2021 Platz 2 in der Kategorie bester Folkrocksong

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Virus by Corny Held  
6:17 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Die Erde hat Fieber
es steigt stetig an
sie hat so ein Virus
der Mensch wird's genannt

Das Fieber steigt weiter,
doch das Virus ist zäh
es wütet, schlägt Wunden,
die tun immer mehr weh

Das Virus vermehrt sich
es breitet sich aus
zerstört ihre Schönheit,
die Organe, die Haut

Hört endlich auf so viele Kinder zu kriegen
Hört auf dauernd irgendwo hin zu fliegen
Verbraucht nicht mehr als ihr braucht und macht nicht so viel Dreck
Sonst seid ihr in ein paar Jahren schon weg

Hört auf damit dauernd irgendwas zu kaufen
Man kann statt zu fahren auch einfach mal laufen
Lasst doch die Tiere und Bäume leben
Sonst wird es euch selber schon bald nicht mehr geben

Die Erde hat die Zeit
sie wird das üerstehn
Doch euch, die Menschen,
wird man bald nicht mehr sehn

Sie wird das Virus besiegen
sie hat noch Kraft
in Millionen von Jahren
hat sie das oft schon geschafft.

Dann gibt es was neues
und Leben geht weiter
Aber nicht eures
und besser, gescheiter

Hört endlich auf damit so viele Kinder zu kriegen
Hört auf dauernd irgendwo hin zu fliegen
Verbraucht nicht mehr als ihr braucht und macht nicht so viel Dreck
Sonst seid ihr in ein paar Jahren schon weg

Hört auf damit dauernd irgendwas zu kaufen
Man kann statt zu fahren auch einfach mal laufen
Lasst doch die Tiere und Bäume leben
Sonst wird es euch selber schon bald nicht mehr geben

Wachstum hat Grenzen
die Erde ist klein
So viele Menschen, soviel Gier -
Mehr passen da nicht rein

Konsum ist ne Droge
die alles zerstört
Ein Irrtum der Glaube ans Geld
und dass uns irgendwas gehört.

Die Erde warnt mit Dürren und Fluten,
mit Stürmen - schon laut, wie sie spricht
Denkt daran, ihr braucht die Welt
aber die Welt, die braucht euch nicht

In 30 Jahren wird eine Erbevölkerung von 10 Milliarden menschen erwartet
In 30 Jahren wird ein CO2 - Ausstoß von 43 Milliarden Tonnen prognostziert
Jedes Jahr verschwinden 10 Millionen Hektar Wald
und es sterben jeden Tag 150 Arten einfach aus.

Hört endlich auf so viele Kinder zu kriegen
Hört auf dauernd irgendwo hin zu fliegen
Verbraucht nicht mehr als ihr braucht und macht nicht so viel Dreck
Sonst seid ihr in ein paar Jahren schon weg

Hört auf damit dauernd irgendwas zu kaufen
Man kann statt zu fahren auch einfach mal laufen
Lasst doch die Tiere und Bäume leben
Sonst wird es euch selber schon bald nicht mehr geben

Ihr braucht die Welt,
Aber die braucht euch nicht.
Ganzen Song hören

Virus( Band-Version) by Corny Held  
6:17 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
The earth has a fever,
it's rising steadily.
it's caused by a virus
called humanity

The fever increases,
but that virus resists,
it's ramping and raging,
it scars her, she's sick.

The virus is spreading,
wrecks life and alerts,
affects beauty and organs,
and skin, and it hurts.

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife -
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice.

The earth has got the time,
She will overcome.
but not human kind,
Some day soon it is gone.

The earth got the power
to defeat peril about,
She's had millions of years
to improve and weed out.

For other new lives
Will there be a scope.
Sure, no longer yours,
but with understanding and hope.

With your too many children you will shatter their future,
with your too many flights, cars, cows, and cruisers.
You can live and let live if you now stop surfeit.
Don't exploit the hand that feeds you, don't consume what you don't need.

The junk you buy today will end up as tomorrow's waste,
polluting soil and oceans, killing creatures, trees, or fates.
Start to think it over, start to change your ways;
Or your species is endangered, and numbered are your days

The earth is quite small,
There are limits to growth.
So many people, so much greed
More won't fit in, you know

Consumerism's an addiction,
destroying all things and kinds
and faith in money is no religion,
and that you own things is a lie

Droughts, and floods, storms, and fires,
These warnings remind:
You need the world,
but the world needs no mankind.

In 30 years, the world population is expected to have grown to 10 billion people.
In 30 years, the CO2 - emissions are forecast to increase to 43 billion tons.
25 million acres of forest are devastated each year, and every day 150 species just die out!

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife,
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice.

You need the world
But the world needs no mankind
Ganzen Song hören

Virus (English Version) by Corny Held  
6:17 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
The earth has a fever,
it's rising steadily.
it's caused by a virus
called humanity

The fever increases,
but that virus resists,
it's ramping and raging,
it scars her, she's sick.

The virus is spreading,
wrecks life and alerts,
affects beauty and organs,
and skin, and it hurts.

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife -
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice.

The earth has got the time,
She will overcome.
but not human kind,
Some day soon it is gone.

The earth got the power
to defeat peril about,
She's had millions of years
to improve and weed out.

For other new lives
Will there be a scope.
Sure, no longer yours,
but with understanding and hope.

With your too many children you will shatter their future,
with your too many flights, cars, cows, and cruisers.
You can live and let live if you now stop surfeit.
Don't exploit the hand that feeds you, don't cosume what you don't need,

The junk you buy today will end up as tomorrow's waste,
polluting soil and oceans, killing creatures, trees, or fates.
Start to think it over, start to change your ways;
Or your species is endangered, and numbered are your days

The earth is quite small,
There are limits to growth.
So many people, so much greed
More won't fit in, you know

Consumerism's an addiction,,
destroying all things and kinds
and faith in money is no religion,
and that you own things is a lie

Droughts, and floods, storms, and fires,
These warnings remind:
You need the world,
but the world needs no mankind.

In 30 years, the world population is expected to have grown to 10 billion people.
In 30 years, the CO2 - emissions are forecast to increase to 43 billion tons.
25 million acres of forest are devastated each year,
and every day 150 species just die out!

Stop and don't favour having so many children,
Stop pollution and always flying somewhere,
Don't consume more than you need, stop throwing things away,
Or in only a few years you might no longer be there.

Stop always buying something, start acting, stop talking,
Stop driving around, better start walking,
Save the animals and trees and appreciate wildlife,
Or you'll soon become extinct and vanish with your vice

You need the world
But the world needs no mankind
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