Dream-Songs For Summer Evenings

Corny Held

10 Songs (Folk-Rock), 39:41 min.
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Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Lady Of The Fountain Soloversion by Corny Held  
3:57 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
There's a lady in the fountain, with waterwhite hair
She's made out of water, she won't ever care

She's got one leg to dance on and a thousand arms
Her hips move around her, sparkling out her charms

When you think she is smiling, her body drowns in tears
and when she stops dancing she'll have to disappear

She's the lady of the fountain
Shakes her waterwide hair
Lady of the fountain
Will never have to care
The lady of the fountain
- dances with everyone
She's made out of water,
She'll never have fun
Lady of the fountain

She's fragile and wild, and her watersoul's cold
her power artificial - spite out of a hole

Feel the breeze that she sends you to show she's alive
Feel her damp curls caress you, and the dew they leave behind

On your skin when you hold her, she'll splash herself away
Celebrating her freedom - just watch the way she plays

She's the lady of the fountain
Shakes her waterwide hair
Lady of the fountain
Will never have to care
The lady of the fountain
- dances with everyone
She's made out of water,
She'll never have fun
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Summer by Corny Held  
4:32 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Summertime coming
with the long dusty days
Everyone sweating
Time to laze
Summertime rolling round
all the moments get slow
holiday feeling
Time to doze

and I enjoy it 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer

Summer is coming
with the hot starry nights
and in case you can't sleep you see
the glowworms' lights
Summertime's rolling round
with a shimmering heat
gnats & flies dancing
in the shade of the cherry trees

and I enjoy it 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sit out in the sun when I want it in summer

Summertime coming
Pools are all full of folks
Everyone's going out
queues of cars on the roads

But I ain't leaving 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sit out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sleep out in the sun when I want it in summer
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Red Is The Rose by Corny Held  
2:09 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Come over the hills my handsome Irish lad
Come over the hills to your darling
You choose the road love, and I'll make a vow
That I'll be your true love forever

Red is the rose that by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any
Down by Killarneys green woods we did stray
The moon and the stars they were shining
The moon shone it's rays on his locks of golden hair
And he swore he'd be my love forever

Red is the rose that by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any
It's not for the parting that my sister pains
It's not for the grief of my mother
It's all for the loss of my handsome Irish lad
Now my heart is broken forever

Red is the rose by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any.
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Kein Schöner Land by Corny Held  
2:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, flute
Axel Wagner: drums
Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit
Als wie das uns're weit und breit
Wo wir uns finden Wohl unter Linden
Zur Abendszeit

Da haben wir so manche Stund'
Gesessen da in froher Rund
Und taten singen Die Lieder klingen
Im Eichengrund

Dass wir uns hier in diesem Tal
Noch treffen so viel hundertmal
Gott mag es schenken Gott mag es lenken
Er hat die Gnad

Nun Brüder eine gute Nacht
Der Herr im hohen Himmel wacht
In seiner Güte Uns zu behüten
Ist Er bedacht
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Downtown by Corny Held  
4:44 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
It was Indian summer in the city around
The air warm and fresh, and full of sounds
I just went for a walk in the park downtown
There's lake and a bar and some ants on the ground

I went down, down, down - down downtown
I went down, down, down - down to relax
I went down, down, down - down downtown
I went down, & found - I was behexed

By the lake was an elf between the huge willow trees
He was riding a dragonfly to fish in the streams
But there was no fish, no thing to be seen
& the light of his eyes, it was flickering green

His eyes were a-glaze, his face was a maze,
& his grief, it was hard to believe
He had caught only fear, the water was clear
What he said, I could hardly hear

He'd been trying to fish for love and faith
and respect and hope and a wish
for peace and good days, for joy and fun,
but those fish had gone, there were none

The elf calmly said with a tear in his eye
This lake must have been poisoned, it is sure gonna die
Looking puzzled, he vanished without saying goodbye
& dusk slowly fell with the moon passing by

I went down, down, down - down downtown

I went down, down, down - to enjoy the light
I went down, down, down - & found just night
I went down, down, down - down to laze
I went down, down, down - & found just haze

I went down, down, down - to sit in the sun
I went down and found - it wasn't really fun
I went down to breathe - late summer air
I went down, down, down - & now I feel scared
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The Curragh Of Kildare by Corny Held  
6:55 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
The winter it has passed
And the summer's come at last
The small birds are singing in the trees
And their little hearts are glad
Ah, but mine is very sad
Since my true love is far away from me

And straight I will repair
To the Curragh of Kildare
For it's there I'll finds tidings of my dear

The rose upon the briar
And the clouds that float so high
Bring joy to the linnet and the bee
And their little hearts are blessed
But mine can know no rest
Since my true love is far away from me

All you who are in love
Aye and cannot it remove
I pity the pain that you endure
For experience lets me know
That your hearts are filled with woe
It's a woe that no mortal can cure
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Sommerzeit by Corny Held  
3:51 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, keyboards, flute
Axel Wagner: drums

Im Wasser bricht

Wenn der Sommer doch immer bliebe
Wenn doch alle Zeit immer Sommer wär

Wer will wissen was der Winter bringt
Hör doch einfach wie der Sommer singt
Sommerlieder vom Sommerleben und Sommerewigkeit
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Lark In The Clear Air by Corny Held  
2:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, e-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Christiane Schmitz: cello
Dear thoughts are in my mind
And my soul soars enchanted
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
For a tender beaming smile
To my hope has been granted
And tomorrow she shall hear
All my fond heart would say

I shall tell her all my love
And my soul's adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say me nay
It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
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Nightlife by Corny Held  
3:20 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
All kinds of creatures that hide in the light
Come in the night, when it is dark
they are alive
First an idea then they are here
born of your mind

Manticores, elves, centaurs, and fairies of spite,
sylphids, mermen, and unicorns,
dragons and sprites
Whatever you can imagine
may give life to your nights

All kinds of creatures that hide in your mind
Come in the night, dance in your world
in the moonlight
First an idea, then they are here
they come to life

Werewolves and dragonfish, monsters and rocs
pegasus and shadowshapes,
and phoenixes and toads
Whatever you can think of
may be part of your ghosts

They hide in the gloom, they pretend, they're not real
Yet their mystery's there to revealwhat you feel
intangible like wind,
you can hear what they sing
lucid like lyrics, strange visions they bring

insatiable like fire, consuming your eve
till the witch of the morning tells them to leave
Noone knows where they go then,
which fortunes they weave
before you must arouse them, only you set them free

All kinds of creatures, invisible sights
Come in the night,, ride on your mind,
unfold their might
First an idea, then they are here
see what you find
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Summernight Dream by Corny Held  
4:47 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
High on a cloud in a dizzy night
flying up high to the sun
Moonlight around, just a little light
Misery's gone, it is gone

Floating on air with a scary delight
Pale is the darkness above
Silverish world, there's no wrong or right
flowing upon streams of love

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
in a summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream

There on a cloud in a dizzy hight
liberty leading the way
Only a word, there 's no rest in insight
fever unknown to the day

Called by the sky, hear a beatiful sound
Voices of sirens & lyres
dangerous charm of strange spirits around
flow in a stream of desires

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream
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