No More War

Corny Held

11 Songs (Rock), 43:14 min.
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Hochaktuelles Thema, nominiert für den Deutschen Rockpreis 2016 als bestes Folk-Rock Album, und den 2. Preis geholt!

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


No More War by Corny Held  
4:46 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
Matthias Scheel: backing voc., percussion
There are fires burning
Everywhere the flames

A killing kind of yearning
The enemies have no names
Everywhere the passions
Aren't ruled by reason
First comes agression
Society's brain is freezing

Somebody said war's everywhere

Peace is but a lid
Over a boiling pot
Sometimes you can't cool it
Spilling what's too hot
Steaming 'round a violence
In the air to touch
Hatred can't be freedom
And both can be too much

Somebody said war's everywhere

People in the world
From so many different parts
Got different shapes and colours
But the same feelings in their hearts
All created equal,
Who's superior ?
Respect is what you can't steal
And what you can't fight for

Don't you make war come everywhere

Make No more war
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To Be Or Not To Be by Corny Held  
4:48 min.  
Corny Held: vocals
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
To be - or not to be? What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
Who's evil? And who is a sorehead?
It's not about black, or red, or yellow
It's about people, they want peace

So many faces in my mind, so many actions, too
They speak of colors, but the're blind, it can't be really true
What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
Who's evil? And who is a sorehead?
It's not about black, or red, or yellow
It's about people, they want peace

The world it only seems a mess, I'm scared of what I see
Today we raise tomorrow's choices - to be, or not to be?
What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
To threaten political soreheads?
It can't be all black, or white, or grey
Or maybe important, anyway

The answer isn't hope or love, maybe not even peace
It isn't carried by a dove, not whispered through the trees
What is it all about
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When The Sun Rains Down by Corny Held  
4:13 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass
When the sun rains down it burns the ground

Let the rain rain down and soothe it with ist coolness
and make old seeds grow
Let the winds of winter blow it full of snow
and make it rest and glow
And in spring again when ices melt
its magic shows, I think you know

Whenever hate rains down the world is drowned

Let the tears stream down and configure it with magic
and make love grow
Let the storms of passion cover it with coal
and lite your soul
Let the lights of midnight vaporize its steam
you know what I mean

Rain will fall to make things grow
Storms will blow to lite your soul
ice will melt and life will show
changes are to come and go

Let the rain soothe burns and cry with you
and make life grow
let passion lite the ground around
and warm your soul
let the ice then melt to stream and steam
You know what I mean

Rain - make love grow
Love - lite our soul
ice - melt and go
sun - rain down
soothe it
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Power Of Thoughts by Corny Held  
2:26 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: percussion
Bernd "Benno" Schulze: bass
Water is deep, but in case you know
How to walk on it you won't sink down below
Air is wide and far in the sky
If you trust in yourself you'll be able to fly
Power of thoughts -
Where ore you going to
Nothing Is ever lost

Time is a word you can't use anyway
You can tell me the time but you'll lose it this way
Freedom is just an idea In your mind
Catch it and see what is left behind
Meaning of thoughts
Where are you going to
Nothing is ever found

Hope tells you lies that you want to believe
And there's love of a hundred kinds for you grief
All the good and the evil - no more that ideas
Anything's right - and everything's near
Motor of thoughts
Where are we going to
Nothing is ever true
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Death Of A Dream by Corny Held  
3:55 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Thomas Bartels:e-guitar
Well, the world ain't shattered,
but sure it ain't safe
All the winds are alert,
You just got to be brave
There are hate and suspicion
And maybe better ways
Is it faith or superstition
what it takes to be amazed?

One dream's killed,
but another was born,
and the devil a-dancin,
Gabriel blowing his horn
and the world keeps turning,
and the prophets don't care,
Which value is burning,
or if a man's bare.

All the fairies are hidden
in their flowers in spring
and if you ask Merlina
she won't tell you anything
all the drops in the ocean,
they are sad and they cry.
But the Lords of the darkness,
they enjoy their apple pie.

Your houses are high,
your falls are deep
your cars are fast,
but the bridges too steep
Good days tend to leave,
yet the beast is asleep
and the hope in the party
is powered by greed.

You try anything,
and you got luck.
You got everything,
and now you got stuck.
and the rails of your brain
don't lead far any more.
and your feelings are sold,
and your heart is a whore.

A room full of vigilance,
a stock full of fears,
and a little box of knowledge
and wisdom full of tears.
and the times aren't right
for paradise birds
each idea got his bride
and some got more than they deserve.

All the mermaids in the waves
they dive and they sink
the sirens stop singing
and the magic dragons shrink.
and the love and the promises
are laughing in the sky
and a little dog's howling
at the stars passing by.
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Hope, Love, Faith, And Peace by Corny Held  
3:52 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Will you try things when you doubt you will ever succeed
Or would you give up and surrender, ignore what you feel
You may chase an idea you probably will never reach,
But hope is the art to persue what cannot really be.

Can you find rest in ideas of of a harmony dream
Or do you enjoy to find glory in all things you see
Change the world in your mind what is evil becomes an ideal
Love is the freedom to justify all self-deceit

Why do you think there is something that matters at all
A promise you seize cause you want to believe in a goal
In a wish you believe cause you need a reason to strive
Faith is the way to maintain allegiance to life

Can you find calm in your days when everything's done
When life is in line with ideals and all challenges won
Your passions just sleep and conceive a new dream to fight for
Peace is the time to forget why to never make war
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Good To Be Tough by Corny Held  
3:12 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums, e-guitars
There's so much uneasiness
and tension in the air
Nobody gets enough
Nobody cares

Noone is satisfied
They want more
for some their God's called money
and success their holy whore

Their value exploitation
destruction on the way
greed the motor, power the aim,
the earth will lose this fray
Too many rock the boat
Life is getting rough
in times like these
it's good to be tough

There's a lot of agression
and war is everywhere
The time's getting rough
Nobody cares

Their value boundless avarice
recklessness the way
they sacrifice creation
noone can win this fray

Dancing on the edge
of an abyss that swallows all
consume the ground and get sucked in
and end in endless fall
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The Gypsy by Corny Held  
2:44 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
There were three old gypsies came to our hall door
They came brave and boldly-o,
The one sang high and the other sang low
The other sang a raggle taggle gypsy-o.

It was upstairs downstairs the lady went
She put on her suit of leather-o,
There was a cry from around the door
“She’s away wi’ the raggle taggle gypsy-o.”

It was late that night when the Lord came in
Enquiring for his lady-o,
The servant girl she said to the Lord
“She’s away wi’ the raggle taggle gypsy-o.”

“Then saddle for me my milk white steed
For my big horse is not speedy-o,
And I will ride till I seek my bride
She’s away wi’ the raggle taggle gypsy-o.”

Now he rode East, he rode West
He rode North and South also,
Till he came to a wide open plain,
There he spied his lady-o.

“How could you leave your goose featherbed
With your blankets strewn so comely-o?
How could you leave your newly wedded Lord
All for the raggle taggle gypsy-o?”

“What care I for my goose featherbed
Wi’ ma blankets strewn so comely-o,
Tonight I lie in a wide upon field
In the arms of a raggle taggle gypsy-o.”

“How could you leave your house and your land?
How could you leave your money-o?
How could you leave your only wedded Lord
All for a raggle taggle gypsy-o?”

“What care I for my house and my land?
What care I for my money-o?
I’d rather have a kiss from the yellow gypsy’s lips
I’m away wi’ the raggle taggle gypsy-o.”

Away wi’ the raggle taggle gypsy-o.
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A Kind Of Love by Corny Held  
5:11 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Maggie was a girl, she was in love with Joe
One day he said to her: I don't really know
if you really love me, and she said no
He said: I hate you anyway and now I'm gonna go
And she said
Hatred, baby, is just another kind of love

Joe, he met the devil later on his way
And he heard him say: Hey Joe, why don't you stay
a little while with me, I'll give you what is good
But Joe, he goes: I hate you 'cause I think I should
And he heard
Hatred, Joey, is just another kind of love

Joe some days found he was getting old
He started to forget things he had been told
And to hate the world that went around so swinging
and the day he died he heard all the birds singing

Hatred, honey, is just another kind of love

So dont you tell somebody that you hate them in a way
And if somebody tells you don't believe it anyway
and if you come across some hate why don't you try to find
what love's got to do with it and what there is behind
'cause you know
Hatred, baby, is just another kind of love
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Some Day by Corny Held  
4:37 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
I remember
what you looked like in the past
I remember
nothing could last
I remember
our love became vast
but it's all right now
time passes fast

Some day
everything will go away

I remember
all the places I have seen
And I know
nothing's like it used to be
I remember
all that concrete being green
Silver fishes
in a sparkling stream

Some day
everything just went away
Some day
everything must go away

I foresee
freedom floating on a river
I foresee
in the cold winds wishes shiver
Dreams of smoke -
love is burnt to fuel your fears
Cyber hope
money will be made of tears
wisdom lies
on a slipway full of ice
And your stars in future skies
they are weapons, they look nice
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Peace On Earth by Corny Held  
3:30 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass, effects
Axel Wagner: percussion
Christmas time is rolling 'round
And Santa Clause is busy
There are wishes to fulfill
For Tim and Jean and Lizzy

But there's a wish that everyone
Got deep inside their hearts
For all the people in the world
No matter near or far
And it's: Peace on earth

The angels, stars, and Christmas trees
Reflect a glimpse of glory
They comfort even people who
Forgot the Christmas story

There is a wish that everyone
Got deep inside their hearts
For all the people in the world
No matter near or far

Should be Peace on earth

A little baby born that day
No superstar, no business,
Brought hope and love upon your way
And the freedom then to choose these

So Santa, here is what we wish
Forever in our hearts:
Give all the people in the world
No matter near or far

Give them Peace on earth
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