Death And Life Are One

Corny Held

16 Songs (Rock), 57:39 min.
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Lieder zur Tauer, statt Beileidskarte oder zur Beerdigung
Der Titelsong gewann den ersten Preis als bester Folk-Rock Song beim Deutschen Rock und Pop Preis 2018

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Death And Life Are One by Corny Held  
3:44 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass
Your dreams are made of glass
They're fragile like a Cristmas-tree ball
and when you ever ask
if this is really all
there's to it
I think you knew it's going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Your wishes are of smoke
they vanish high in the air
and when you ever hope
that something was really there
It's gonna fool you
gonna cool you - going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Daylight and nighttime
Moonrise, wind is white, and shadows fly
But we are ground bound
and it takes power to die

Ocean waves and quiet lakes
Rainy days and ways that end -
in vanished lands
a beach of sand
we're ground bound

Run, run, death and life are one
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Lord Of All by Corny Held  
3:22 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
There's fall outside and fall in me
and fall is on the windowpane
The storm's getting cold, the clouds look bold
the sun tries lighting life in vain

A little candle's burning tall
and flickers shadows upon the wall
No, life, I own no peace in fall
for love is lord of all

and often when our music plays
I feel the moon like spotlight shine
Reflecting the challenge of those days
when your life was a part of mine

I hear a whisper in the fire
the voice of wisdom is nice and calm
We had it all, despair and desire
and life is really lord of all
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Birthday Present by Corny Held  
2:52 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass
Someone offers you a life
And says: I won't tell you how long it'll be

It may be as long as a hundred years
It may be as short as an hour.

There are things we got no words for
Some things don't fit in a word

You ask him: What is life?
He says: It ain't time.

You ask how much it is
And he disappears.

There are things we got no words for
Some things don't fit in a word
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Ave Maria by Corny Held  
2:12 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Ave Maria
gratia plena
dominus tecum
benedicta tu
in mulieribus
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui
Sancta Maria
Sancta Maria,
ora pro nobis
nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora
in hora mortis nostrae
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Vorbei by Corny Held  
3:25 min.  
Corny Held: all istruments
Manchmal ist alles zu Ende gedacht
Und von den Sternen tropft Zeit
Von jedem Baum fällt ein Traum in die Nacht
Wie Licht in die Dunkelheit

Erst kommt ein Blinder, der findet ihn nicht
Dann kommt ein Weiser und fällt
Nun kommt ein Wunsch, und er bringt ihn ans Licht,
Doch er zerbricht an der Welt

So viele Wunden kann man nicht sehn
So viele Stunden, vielleicht nie geschehn
Warum hat Gott uns die Liebe gezeigt
Sie ist so weit, viel zu weit

Leben ein Hauch, wie der Wind in dem Wald
Nichts lässt er so, wie es ist
Alles wird neu, und doch ist es so alt,
Dass es die Erde vergisst.

Dann kann man alles auf einmal verstehn
Zeit ist ein Fluss, der uns treibt
Nur in der Ruhe kann etwas entstehn,
Etwas, das immer so bleibt.

So viele Dinge kann man dann sehn,
So viele Wege sind wieder zu gehn
So viel geschieht und ist dort nie geschehn
So viele Welten vergehn

Es gibt ein Tor in die andere Zeit
In einen Strom, der uns weiter treibt
Und der macht, dass auf dieser Welt nichts so bleibt
Ja, gestern ist immer vorbei.
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Weep With Me by Corny Held  
3:08 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards
Everyone gone, I'm all alone
they're all somehow sad, though nothing's really bad

Joy in their eyes- pain hidden inside
No talk for relief, smiles to cover the grief

It's in vain, it is sad
and it hurts really bad
But spite won't let love die
I feel too blue to cry

And the night, it'll weep for me

It's a good way to find emptiness left behind
But pride is no aid, I feel used, thrown away

When you were still there, I thought someone would care
But my hope was your toy, which you love to destroy

It's in vain, it is sad
and it hurts really bad
But spite won't let love die
I feel too blue to cry

So the sky, it'll weep for me
Just the sky, it'll weep with me
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Tomorrow May Never Be The Same by Corny Held  
3:45 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, keyboards
We must go through our lives
On a road, once narrow, once wide
With an aim we don't know and we don't see
We don't know how long it is
Can't foresee its woe or bliss
We don't know where the end of it will be

Along our time we go
speeding fast or going slow
We are driven towards an unknown land
We must reach our final home
and we'll go there all alone
On a path, steep or straight or winding in bends

It is all we know for certain
It is all we know for sure
Sometimes there's no final curtain
Sometimes too much to endure
Then there's nothing else to long for
Nothing left that we might need
Maybe nothing to be strong for
Nowhere the old road will lead
Maybe pain and fear and sorrow,there's a way to flee tomorrow

So let the living mourn
When the dying are reborn
We can't live in a world that's not our own
Life is borrowed and is lent
And must be returned in the end
To the queens of eternity's mighty throne

See the beauties on the way, try to see them every day
For tomorrow we might no longer stay
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Visions by Corny Held  
6:21 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass, keyboards
Sometimes I feel like a motherless breeze
-a daffodil seed
-a balloon without ground
-a symphony sound
a long way from home

Sometimes I look like a flower in the rain
- an idea without aim
-a letter in the wind
-a saint who has sinned
A long way from life

Sometimes I dream of a doublefaced moon
-of a life behind stars
-of voices as bars
A long way from love
a long way from home
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Lifetime by Corny Held  
3:44 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
All those hours - feel when they are passing
precious moments - we cannot see them move
But they won't return
Time's running quietly
It won't come back
You cannot store it
in a sack

All those long days - we didn't see they won't last
Endless seasons - fading away so soon
and they won't return
Stop living tomorrow
You won't catch it today
It is always ahead of you

What are we always running after
What do we really want to find
It'll be too late after leaving
so many useless hours behind

Wasting our time away by searching
Looking for what we do not lack
This very moment will be over in a second
Then there's no way to get it back

Life is a million of these moments
and they're all you ever really own
Don't let impatience take them from you
Follow the road that leads you home.

What do you want - what do you really want
Time will not return
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Frieden by Corny Held  
4:40 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, flute, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Gib uns den Frieden am Ende der Zeit
Mach den Himmel und die Erde bereit
Lang ist der Weg in die Ewigkeit
Niemand versteht's, doch die Welt weiß Bescheid

Bald ist der Himmel nicht mehr so blau
Und die Sonne hört auf zu scheinen
Dunkel der Mond und der Wald nur grau
Und es regnet nie mehr, es gibt keinen.

Frieden ist dort, wo der Atem der Welt
so als Wind in den Bäumen den Vögeln gefällt
Sing mir ein Schlaflied zur ewigen Ruh
Kleiner Vogel, du weißt es nicht, ich hör dir zu.

Die Zweige und Blätter im Abendlicht
sind ein Lächeln, das ewige Liebe verspricht
Sie raunen: Die Welt, sie kann ohne uns sein
Doch sie läßt uns auch nie allein.

Die Dunkelheit nimmt dich in ihren Arm
ganz ohne Grimm und ganz leise
Sie zeigt dir die Sterne, sie kennt keinen Harm
und alles macht Sinn und scheint weise.

Gib uns den Frieden am Ende der Zeit
Mach den Himmel und die Erde bereit
Lang ist der Weg in die Ewigkeit
Niemand versteht's, doch die Welt weiß Bescheid
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An October Sunday by Corny Held  
2:50 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Another grey day passes
Rain washing away the nightmares
The air is fresh outside and cold
Heaven's tears clean up the ways for us
to go again

The trees are sighing softly
Winds blowing away the nightmares
The air is strong outside and tender
Hell is trying to warm up
life in vain

The fires whisper warmth
Gleams burning away the nightmares
Smoke curling up outside so spicey
Dancing shapes are celebrating spite
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Auld Lang Syne by Corny Held  
2:10 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,

And there's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie's a hand o' thine!
Let's take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne
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Sometimes by Corny Held  
4:16 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Hans Schulz: steel-string guitar
Corny Held: all other instruments
Sometimes I sit in a corner and cry
Sometimes I like it, but I don't know why
Feeling alone, thinking of the past
of things that are gone, and of things that can't last

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.

Sometimes I sit in a corner and see
your face and your body right in front of me
Forgetting what we lacked, I recall what was fine
All things turn better when they're no longer mine

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.

Now I don't want to meet you, you must have grown old
Don't wreck my dreaming or turn my memories cold
Life ain't worth a damn without wishes any more
What's the use of hearts that have never been sore

Sometimes I sit in a corner and cry
It could have been different, but there's no reason why
Sometimes I find that my memory's grown cold
and then I get up and I feel I've grown old.

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.
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Amazing Grace by Corny Held  
3:36 min.  

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Finde Ruh by Corny Held  
4:25 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass, keyboards
Kaltes Licht - scheint auf mein Gesicht
Deine Stimme tröstet nicht
Alles fort was einmal war
Und doch war es nie so wahr.

Was ist wichtig, was macht Sinn?
Wo bist du wo ich nicht bin?
Zukunft ist Vergangenheit
Und der Weg allein zu weit.

Zauber aus der Unterwelt
der mein Herz gefangen hält
Bann, der macht, daß nichts mehr geht,
die Welt, wie du, sich nicht mehr fortbewegt.

Alles endet, was beginnt
Schauder durch die Seele rinnt
Ohnmacht brandet gegen Haut
Leere Welt und dunkler Mond wohin man schaut.

Was auch immer du noch willst
Wie auch immer du dich fühlst
Paradies ist Zeit, die steht.
Und die Schatten flüstern leis: "Zu spät..."

Hör' nicht zu - Finde Ruh -
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Danny Boy by Corny Held  
3:06 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow

'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
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