
Corny Held

15 Songs (Folk-Rock), 59:28 min.
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Sampler: Titel-Songs aus 15 Corny-Held CDs

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Moonrise Bandversion by Corny Held  
4:40 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
Heinz "Fridolin" Friedrich: e-guitar

Moon rises over the forest,
moon rises over the town
Moon flying white horses
moonlight is pouring down - like milk
Moonlight is all around
Keeps dripping on the ground
All things begin to float
Drowse - daytime in a boat
And it's dripping from trees
and dancing on seas
and streaming over meadows
creating beautiful shadows,

Strange voices out of water,
strange voices in the wind
Strange features, night's daughters
mild creatures, songs they sing - like silk
Knowing a lullaby
breathe veils around the sky
sounds drizzling out silence
trying to drown violence
they know what rest is,
they can give peace,
and they don't disturb a lover
and offer wonderers cover.

They can as well flood wisdom with tears
Those they don't like
will only sense fright and fears -
It's dangerous - rapturous - treacherous

Moon rises over the forest
mild mellow over the town
Narcotic resources
spilt moonlight pouring down - like milk.
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Power Of Thoughts by Corny Held  
2:26 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: percussion
Bernd "Benno" Schulze: bass
Water is deep, but in case you know
How to walk on it you won't sink down below
Air is wide and far in the sky
If you trust in yourself you'll be able to fly
Power of thoughts -
Where ore you going to
Nothing Is ever lost

Time is a word you can't use anyway
You can tell me the time but you'll lose it this way
Freedom is just an idea In your mind
Catch it and see what is left behind
Meaning of thoughts
Where are you going to
Nothing is ever found

Hope tells you lies that you want to believe
And there's love of a hundred kinds for you grief
All the good and the evil - no more that ideas
Anything's right - and everything's near
Motor of thoughts
Where are we going to
Nothing is ever true
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To Be Or Not To Be by Corny Held  
4:48 min.  
Corny Held: vocals
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
To be - or not to be? What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
Who's evil? And who is a sorehead?
It's not about black, or red, or yellow
It's about people, they want peace

So many faces in my mind, so many actions, too
They speak of colors, but the're blind, it can't be really true
What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
Who's evil? And who is a sorehead?
It's not about black, or red, or yellow
It's about people, they want peace

The world it only seems a mess, I'm scared of what I see
Today we raise tomorrow's choices - to be, or not to be?
What is it all about
Nuclear warheads
To threaten political soreheads?
It can't be all black, or white, or grey
Or maybe important, anyway

The answer isn't hope or love, maybe not even peace
It isn't carried by a dove, not whispered through the trees
What is it all about
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Fly, Time, Fly by Corny Held  
4:52 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Volker Kamp: bass
Markus Kaiser: e-guitar, backing voc.
I remember there was a garden
and a place for love to be
I remember a time without worries
Good and evil could meet in peace.
Life bid me: Take me easy!
I'll grow for you whatever you need
But I was young and foolish
and all these things meant nothing to me

Fly, time, fly
passing me by or taking me high
leave me behind, it'll all be all right
with no way and no schedule
and no reason why
Fly, time, fly

In a field down by the river
my love and I did stand
and on my yearning shoulder
moonlight laid ist cold white hand
Love bid me: Take me easy!
cause the world knows more than me
But I was young and foolish
with nothing I would agree

Now weeds grow in the garden
and love still haunts my brain
I'm older but not wiser
I'd do the same again
The world says: Take me easy!
but the wind is full of tears
You must remain young and foolish
or it all might disappear
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No More War by Corny Held  
4:46 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
Matthias Scheel: backing voc., percussion
There are fires burning
Everywhere the flames

A killing kind of yearning
The enemies have no names
Everywhere the passions
Aren't ruled by reason
First comes agression
Society's brain is freezing

Somebody said war's everywhere

Peace is but a lid
Over a boiling pot
Sometimes you can't cool it
Spilling what's too hot
Steaming 'round a violence
In the air to touch
Hatred can't be freedom
And both can be too much

Somebody said war's everywhere

People in the world
From so many different parts
Got different shapes and colours
But the same feelings in their hearts
All created equal,
Who's superior ?
Respect is what you can't steal
And what you can't fight for

Don't you make war come everywhere

Make No more war
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Ich Bin Das Sauerkraut by Corny Held  
2:15 min.  
Lilli Liguster (Corny Held): Gesang, Gitarre, Kazoo, Keyboards
Axel Wagner: Schlagzeug
Harald Held: Keyboards
Helga, Silke, Marion, Corny, R�diger, Thomas, Markus, Axel, Volker: Chor
Wenn ich Hunger hab
Und du bist bei mir
Seh ich dich als Schnitzel
Und dazu ein Bier
Das hab ich wie dich
Auch zum fressen gern
Und ich stell mir vor
Dass wir ein Essen wär'n

Ich bin das Sauerkraut
Und du die Wurst
Ich bin das Pils
Und du der Durst
Ich bin die Pizza
Und du der Käse
Auf deinem Ei bin ich die Majonaise

Wenn ich Hunger hab
Und ich seh dich an
Will ich an dir knabbern
Wie an Marzipan
Das hab ich wie dich
Auch zum Fressen gern
Und ich stell mir vor
Dass wir ein Essen wär'n

Du bist der Rotkohl
Ich bin die Gans
In meiner Suppe bist nur du
Der Ochsenschwanz
Ich bin der Kuchen
Du bist die Sahne
Auf dem Bananasplit
Da bist du die Banane

Ich bin das Sauerkraut
Und du die Wurst
Ich bin das Pils
Und du der Durst
Jetz werden wir auch noch
Zu Kannibalen
Der stramme Max
Muss mit dem Leben zahlen

Ich bin das Sauerkraut
Und du die Wurst
Die Nacht ist lang
Der Schnaps ist kurz
Wir haben Hunger
Haben Durst
Ich bin das Sauerkraut
Und du bist die Wurst
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Visions by Corny Held  
6:21 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass, keyboards
Sometimes I feel like a motherless breeze
-a daffodil seed
-a balloon without ground
-a symphony sound
a long way from home

Sometimes I look like a flower in the rain
- an idea without aim
-a letter in the wind
-a saint who has sinned
A long way from life

Sometimes I dream of a doublefaced moon
-of a life behind stars
-of voices as bars
A long way from love
a long way from home
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Spinning (Folkversion) by Corny Held  
3:35 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass, keyboards
Time is spinning like my head, it's moving round and round
round and round it moves, and up and down

Life is spinning like my time, it's moving round and round
round and round it goes and up and down

Time, time, where've you gone, I won't come along
Time, where have you gone - Leave me alone

The past is spinning in my mind, it's moving round and round
round and round it moves, and up and down

Where have all the flowers gone and the memories of some
round and round they move and up and down

Time, time, where've you gone, I won't come along
Time, where have you gone - Leave me alone

My brain is spinning like my life, moving round and round
Up and down, left and right, round and round and nowhere

All the world a spinning wheel, turning round and round
Messy threads are on the ground and dance for me

Will I ever pick them up and weave a net for fortune
that's turned me down and turned around to spin its own ideas

Will they wrap their tentacles around eternity
I know what they are made of, but what is their destiny

Time,time, I know you've gone but I won't come along
Time, where have you gone - Leave me alone
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Death And Life Are One by Corny Held  
3:44 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass
Your dreams are made of glass
They're fragile like a Cristmas-tree ball
and when you ever ask
if this is really all
there's to it
I think you knew it's going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Your wishes are of smoke
they vanish high in the air
and when you ever hope
that something was really there
It's gonna fool you
gonna cool you - going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Daylight and nighttime
Moonrise, wind is white, and shadows fly
But we are ground bound
and it takes power to die

Ocean waves and quiet lakes
Rainy days and ways that end -
in vanished lands
a beach of sand
we're ground bound

Run, run, death and life are one
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Fantasy by Corny Held  
4:26 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Was ist wahr und was ist Traum
Gibt es mehr als Zeit und Raum
Weißt du dass du viel mehr siehst
Wenn du mal die Augen schließt?

Was liegt nah und was scheint weit
Gibt es mehr als Raum und Zeit
In der Stille hört man mehr
als all den Lärm so ringsumher

Alles ist so wie du denkst, wie du willst,
wie du kannst, wie du's machst, in dir drin

Willst du was dann denk dir das
dann denk dir zwei dann sind's schon drei
Wie es wird, du hast die Wahl
Was man sich vorstellt ist real
Was von allein nicht werden kann
denk's aus, es fängt zu leben an
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Anne Ruhr by Corny Held  
4:09 min.  
Corny Held: Gesang, A-Gitarre, Keyboards
Axel Wagner: Schlagzeug, E-Gitarre, Gesang
Wo isset schön, wo sind wer hier?
- Anne Ruhr, im Revier!
Wo gibbet Buden, man trinkt Bier?
- Anne Ruhr, im Revier!
Wo sind die Unis, mehr als 4?
- Anne Ruhr, im Revier!
Wo hammer Spaß, wo feiern wir?
- Anne Ruhr, im Revier!

Wo ist der Himmel manchmal grau?
Und noch viel öfter auch ganz blau?
Wo is ne Landschaft voll Natur?
Wo ißet super? Anne Ruhr!

Wo ist die größte Stadt im Land?
Wo gehn die Menschen Hand in Hand?
Wo hat man Herz, Verstand nicht nur?
Wo gibbet allet? Anne Ruhr!

Wo is man kreativ dabei
baut altes um und macht wat neu?
Wo gibbet Mucke, moll und dur?
Wo ist die Hauptstadt der Kultur?

Anne Ruhr ...
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Wishes by Corny Held  
3:54 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums, e-guitar
Corny Held: vocals, keyboards, bass
I wish I was a mermaid
At the bottom of the sea
With all those cute young fishermen
diving after me.
I wish i could just float
I wish I could just be
And anyway nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let uf float,
let us be free

I wish I was a phoenix
soaring in the air
With all the winds caressing me
but I don't really care.
I wish I could just rise
I wish I could just be
And then again nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let us glide
let us be free

I wish i was a song
in a great composer's mind
With all the people in the world
listening all the time
I wish I could just sound
A voice I want to be
And sometimes haunt them to make sure
they are not forgetting me.

Come along, do resound,
let us be free

I wish I was a clear palantir
in a wizard's hand
He would believe what I foresee
And he would be a friend.
I wish then I could show him
what is going to be
And if he did all right
he were to see what I can see

Come along, let us know,
let us be free.
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Spring For Love by Corny Held  
3:00 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, keyboards, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
There's a time for everything
And a time for nothing
There's a time to relax
And a time for stress
A time for socializing
And another for loneliness
There's a time for grief
And a time to leave

But one thing is for sure
Spring time is for love

There are seasons for everything
And seasons for nothing
Seasons for people
And seasons for the Gods
Seasons for sleeping
And sesons for fun
Seasons for staying
and seasons to run

But one thing is for sure
Spring time is for love

There are times for everybody
There are times nobody wants
There are seasons for silence
there are times to be sad
seasons to remember
and a time to forget
a time for joy
and maybe later to regret

But one thing is for sure
Spring time is for love

There's a time to think things over,
And a time to change
Times to be happy
And times that are strange
A time to laugh
and a time to cry
a time to forget
and a time to ask why

But one thing is for sure
Spring time is for love

But one thing is for sure
It must be spring for love
Spring for love
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Dreamland (a capella) by Corny Held  
3:40 min.  
Corny Held: vocals
Oh, Dreamland, you lovely, you wonderful land,
you beautiful crown of all the lands and realms
And if I ever find I am in the Promised land,
I'd try to return to your magic elms
It's there I want to live, it's there you never die.
It's where the things are made and where new ideas are born
It's just the way you want, it is Paradise

It's there I want to live, it's there you never die.
It is where things are made and where new ideas are born
It's just the way you want, it is Paradise

Oh Dreamland, you mystical, neverending land
You rule what is real, with a subtle force.
Your trees and birds and mountains are always there at hand
Of peace, hope, and wisdom, you can be the source.
Your forests are the deepest, your sun burns hot or mild
Your strength is so unfailing, my wishing well, my mead
Your spirit rest and longing, it creates new life

Your oceans are the deepest, your creatures tame or wild
Providing me with power and just everything I need
Your time is a river that creates new life
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Magic Creatures by Corny Held  
2:43 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
All the creatures of the night
that you never see
Gather in the forest
around a huge old willow tree
In the clearing in the wood
Where the rainbow ends
When the moon is full
There is a magic creatures band

And all the elves are dancing
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee
Hi diddle die and diddle de dee" -
And then they want to dance with me

When the sun is going to set
And the dark is falling
All the creatures of the night
Have a place to meet
In the clearing in the wood
Magic choirs callingv See them in their magic light
And all around is peace

And all the fairies dance
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee
Hi diddle die and diddle de dee" -
And then they want to dance with me

In the forest very deep
Where the rainbow ends
Everyone is having fun
And all of them are friends
Full moon, magic light
Take them by their hands
Feel the drive and join
The magic creatures dance

And the witches dance
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee"
The spirits of the trees dance
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee"
And the leprachauns are dancing
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee"
All the dwarfs are dancing
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee"
And all the giants dance
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee"
And all the elves are dancing
around the willow tree
Singing "Hi diddle die and diddle de dee
Hi diddle die and diddle de dee" -
And then they want to dance with me
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