
Corny Held

40 Songs (Folk-Rock), 165:03 min.
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Seasons ist eine Zusammenstellung von 4 CDs (4 Sampler) in einer großen Box und beinhaltet folgende 4 CDs mit Jahreszeiten im Titel: Dream-Songs For Summer Evenings, Folk For Fall, Rocksongs For Winternights, und Love Songs for Spring, fast 3 Stunden Musik zum Schnäppchenpreis

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Lady Of The Fountain Soloversion by Corny Held  
3:57 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
There's a lady in the fountain, with waterwhite hair
She's made out of water, she won't ever care

She's got one leg to dance on and a thousand arms
Her hips move around her, sparkling out her charms

When you think she is smiling, her body drowns in tears
and when she stops dancing she'll have to disappear

She's the lady of the fountain
Shakes her waterwide hair
Lady of the fountain
Will never have to care
The lady of the fountain
- dances with everyone
She's made out of water,
She'll never have fun
Lady of the fountain

She's fragile and wild, and her watersoul's cold
her power artificial - spite out of a hole

Feel the breeze that she sends you to show she's alive
Feel her damp curls caress you, and the dew they leave behind

On your skin when you hold her, she'll splash herself away
Celebrating her freedom - just watch the way she plays

She's the lady of the fountain
Shakes her waterwide hair
Lady of the fountain
Will never have to care
The lady of the fountain
- dances with everyone
She's made out of water,
She'll never have fun
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Summer by Corny Held  
4:32 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Summertime coming
with the long dusty days
Everyone sweating
Time to laze
Summertime rolling round
all the moments get slow
holiday feeling
Time to doze

and I enjoy it 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer

Summer is coming
with the hot starry nights
and in case you can't sleep you see
the glowworms' lights
Summertime's rolling round
with a shimmering heat
gnats & flies dancing
in the shade of the cherry trees

and I enjoy it 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sit out in the sun when I want it in summer

Summertime coming
Pools are all full of folks
Everyone's going out
queues of cars on the roads

But I ain't leaving 'cause I can
sleep out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sit out in the sun when I want it
in summer
sleep out in the sun when I want it in summer
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Red Is The Rose by Corny Held  
2:09 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Come over the hills my handsome Irish lad
Come over the hills to your darling
You choose the road love, and I'll make a vow
That I'll be your true love forever

Red is the rose that by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any
Down by Killarneys green woods we did stray
The moon and the stars they were shining
The moon shone it's rays on his locks of golden hair
And he swore he'd be my love forever

Red is the rose that by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any
It's not for the parting that my sister pains
It's not for the grief of my mother
It's all for the loss of my handsome Irish lad
Now my heart is broken forever

Red is the rose by yonder garden grows
And fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any.
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Kein Schöner Land by Corny Held  
2:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, flute
Axel Wagner: drums
Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit
Als wie das uns're weit und breit
Wo wir uns finden Wohl unter Linden
Zur Abendszeit

Da haben wir so manche Stund'
Gesessen da in froher Rund
Und taten singen Die Lieder klingen
Im Eichengrund

Dass wir uns hier in diesem Tal
Noch treffen so viel hundertmal
Gott mag es schenken Gott mag es lenken
Er hat die Gnad

Nun Brüder eine gute Nacht
Der Herr im hohen Himmel wacht
In seiner Güte Uns zu behüten
Ist Er bedacht
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Downtown by Corny Held  
4:44 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass
Axel Wagner: drums
It was Indian summer in the city around
The air warm and fresh, and full of sounds
I just went for a walk in the park downtown
There's lake and a bar and some ants on the ground

I went down, down, down - down downtown
I went down, down, down - down to relax
I went down, down, down - down downtown
I went down, & found - I was behexed

By the lake was an elf between the huge willow trees
He was riding a dragonfly to fish in the streams
But there was no fish, no thing to be seen
& the light of his eyes, it was flickering green

His eyes were a-glaze, his face was a maze,
& his grief, it was hard to believe
He had caught only fear, the water was clear
What he said, I could hardly hear

He'd been trying to fish for love and faith
and respect and hope and a wish
for peace and good days, for joy and fun,
but those fish had gone, there were none

The elf calmly said with a tear in his eye
This lake must have been poisoned, it is sure gonna die
Looking puzzled, he vanished without saying goodbye
& dusk slowly fell with the moon passing by

I went down, down, down - down downtown

I went down, down, down - to enjoy the light
I went down, down, down - & found just night
I went down, down, down - down to laze
I went down, down, down - & found just haze

I went down, down, down - to sit in the sun
I went down and found - it wasn't really fun
I went down to breathe - late summer air
I went down, down, down - & now I feel scared
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The Curragh Of Kildare by Corny Held  
6:55 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
The winter it has passed
And the summer's come at last
The small birds are singing in the trees
And their little hearts are glad
Ah, but mine is very sad
Since my true love is far away from me

And straight I will repair
To the Curragh of Kildare
For it's there I'll finds tidings of my dear

The rose upon the briar
And the clouds that float so high
Bring joy to the linnet and the bee
And their little hearts are blessed
But mine can know no rest
Since my true love is far away from me

All you who are in love
Aye and cannot it remove
I pity the pain that you endure
For experience lets me know
That your hearts are filled with woe
It's a woe that no mortal can cure
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Sommerzeit by Corny Held  
3:51 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, bass, keyboards, flute
Axel Wagner: drums

Im Wasser bricht

Wenn der Sommer doch immer bliebe
Wenn doch alle Zeit immer Sommer wär

Wer will wissen was der Winter bringt
Hör doch einfach wie der Sommer singt
Sommerlieder vom Sommerleben und Sommerewigkeit
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Lark In The Clear Air by Corny Held  
2:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, e-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Christiane Schmitz: cello
Dear thoughts are in my mind
And my soul soars enchanted
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
For a tender beaming smile
To my hope has been granted
And tomorrow she shall hear
All my fond heart would say

I shall tell her all my love
And my soul's adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say me nay
It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
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Nightlife by Corny Held  
3:20 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
All kinds of creatures that hide in the light
Come in the night, when it is dark
they are alive
First an idea then they are here
born of your mind

Manticores, elves, centaurs, and fairies of spite,
sylphids, mermen, and unicorns,
dragons and sprites
Whatever you can imagine
may give life to your nights

All kinds of creatures that hide in your mind
Come in the night, dance in your world
in the moonlight
First an idea, then they are here
they come to life

Werewolves and dragonfish, monsters and rocs
pegasus and shadowshapes,
and phoenixes and toads
Whatever you can think of
may be part of your ghosts

They hide in the gloom, they pretend, they're not real
Yet their mystery's there to revealwhat you feel
intangible like wind,
you can hear what they sing
lucid like lyrics, strange visions they bring

insatiable like fire, consuming your eve
till the witch of the morning tells them to leave
Noone knows where they go then,
which fortunes they weave
before you must arouse them, only you set them free

All kinds of creatures, invisible sights
Come in the night,, ride on your mind,
unfold their might
First an idea, then they are here
see what you find
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Summernight Dream by Corny Held  
4:47 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar, bass
High on a cloud in a dizzy night
flying up high to the sun
Moonlight around, just a little light
Misery's gone, it is gone

Floating on air with a scary delight
Pale is the darkness above
Silverish world, there's no wrong or right
flowing upon streams of love

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
in a summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream

There on a cloud in a dizzy hight
liberty leading the way
Only a word, there 's no rest in insight
fever unknown to the day

Called by the sky, hear a beatiful sound
Voices of sirens & lyres
dangerous charm of strange spirits around
flow in a stream of desires

What do you mean when you say you are free
Sail on a cloud through eternity
summernight dream
Why can't it be, why can't it be real
it's a summernight dream
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When I Think Of You by Corny Held  
3:35 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Volker Kamp: bass
Markus Kaiser: e-guitar
Stars are shining in your eyes
and I don't know if it's wise
that I stick with you tonight
I remember it ain't right
to believe in your lies

In the daylight we belong
to a world that's sometimes gone
like a prism you can break
pretty colors for love's sake
I don't care if it's wrong

Feel the heat inside your hands
And it seems time never ends
There's a desert in my brain
Killing fear and killing pain
Saying: who gives a damn.

and when I think of you I fall
and when I hear your body call
and when I think of you it's over
But I don't really mind at all
No, I don't mind at all
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False Hearted Lover by Corny Held  
3:05 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, flute
I once loved a maid
And I loved her so well
that I hated all others who spoke of her ill
But now she's rewarded me well for my pains
For she's gone to be wed to another

When I saw my love to the church go
with her bride-maidens she had a fine show
And I followed on with my heart full of woe
To see my love wed to another

Then I saw my love
sit down to dine
Isat down beside her
and poured out her wine
And I drank to the girl
that should have been mine
But she was now wed to another

The boys of the forest they ask it of me
how many strawberries grow round the salt sea
And I ask it them back with a tear in my eye
How many ships sail the forest

Go dig me a grave
I let you dig it so deep
And cover it over with flowers so sweet
And close my poor eyelids forever in sleep
And maybe in death I'll forget her
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Paradise Birds by Corny Held  
3:16 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
No more worries about tomorrow
How much care about the past
All our days - they are just borrowed
And nothing, yes, nothing's going to last

Don't you worry - can't you see
Life is just what it will be
But our time is ours forever
And that's eternity
And we are paradise birds - let's fly
Paradise birds (let's fly)
paradise birds - we want to fly

Won't tomorrow come and leave?
Rain my fall or sun may shine
You won't keep the world from turning
All you can change, really change - is your mind

Don't you worry - can't you see
Life is just what it will be
But our time is ours forever
And that's eternity
And we are paradise birds - let's fly
Paradise birds - let's fly

paradise birds - we want to fly
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Lord Of All Bandversion by Corny Held  
3:24 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
There's fall outside and fall in me
and fall is on the windowpane
The storm's getting cold, the clouds look bold
the sun tries lighting life in vain

A little candle's burning tall
and flickers shadows upon the wall
No, life, I own no peace in fall
for love is lord of all

and often when our music plays
I feel the moon like spotlight shine
Reflecting the challenge of those days
when your life was a part of mine

I hear a whisper in the fire
the voice of wisdom is nice and calm
We had it all, despair and desire
and life is really lord of all
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Day Dream Bandversion by Corny Held  
4:20 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
Andrea Rei�: violin
Hans Schulz; vocals
When you see me doing nothing I am not wasting time
When you see me doing I might be feeling fine
Cause I am where I want, lost in my mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are people who are busy trying to catch a bit of time
But this way they won't grasp it, and they don't see the sun shine
Life is not just outside, it takes place in your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

Don't say it's good for nothing if you're able to dream
Don't say its not true, just because it's not real
Time passes anyway, if you feel it or not,
Watch out, it'll grab the things you think you have got

When you're low and don't know if there is freedom of a kind
When you cannot relax and you fear what's behind
Looking so hard for something that can ease your mind
Have you ever tried a day dream, try and see what you find.

There are times when I'm lost in a day dream
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The Spanish Lady by Corny Held  
3:57 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, flute
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Axel Wagner: drums
Christiane Schmitz: cello
As I came down through Dublin City
At the hour of twelve at night
Who should I see but the Spanish lady
Washing her feet by candlelight
First she washed them, then she dried them
Over a fire of amber coal
In all my life I ne'er did see
A maid so sweet about the sole

Whack for the toora loora laddy
Whack for the toora loora lay
Whack for the toora loora laddy
Whack for the toora loora lay

As I came back through Dublin City
At the hour of half past eight
Who should I spy but the Spanish lady
Brushing her hair in the broad daylight
First she tossed it, then she brushed it
On her lap was a silver comb
In all my life I ne'er did see
A maid so fair since I did roam

As I went back through Dublin City
As the sun began to set
Who should I spy but the Spanish lady
Catching a moth in a golden net
When she saw me, then she fled me
Lifting her petticoat over her knee
In all my life I ne'er did see
A maid so shy as the Spanish lady

I've wandered north and I've wandered south
through Stoneybatter and Patrick's Close
Up and around by the Gloucester Diamond Round by Napper Tandy's house
Old age had laid her hand on me
Cold as fire of ashey coalsv But were is the lovely Spanish Lady, neat and sweet about the soul.
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Auld Lang Syne by Corny Held  
2:10 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,

And there's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie's a hand o' thine!
Let's take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne
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Fly, Time, Fly by Corny Held  
4:52 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Volker Kamp: bass
Markus Kaiser: e-guitar, backing voc.
I remember there was a garden
and a place for love to be
I remember a time without worries
Good and evil could meet in peace.
Life bid me: Take me easy!
I'll grow for you whatever you need
But I was young and foolish
and all these things meant nothing to me

Fly, time, fly
passing me by or taking me high
leave me behind, it'll all be all right
with no way and no schedule
and no reason why
Fly, time, fly

In a field down by the river
my love and I did stand
and on my yearning shoulder
moonlight laid ist cold white hand
Love bid me: Take me easy!
cause the world knows more than me
But I was young and foolish
with nothing I would agree

Now weeds grow in the garden
and love still haunts my brain
I'm older but not wiser
I'd do the same again
The world says: Take me easy!
but the wind is full of tears
You must remain young and foolish
or it all might disappear
Ganzen Song hören

Dance Of The Last Leaf In Fall by Corny Held  
3:45 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Günther Ernst: percussion
Dance like a leaf that is falling -
- flying

Dance like a leaf that is falling -
- dance like a leaf

See the dance of the last leal in fall - falling
See the dance of the last ieaf in fall - flying
See the dance of the last leaf in fall

Don't turn around, don't turn me down
Don't just drop me like a leaf in the alley

Don't turn around, don't turn me down
Don't just drop me like a leaf in the street
I will fly away

Dance like a leaf that is falling
See the dance of the last leaf in fall

Don't turn around, don't turn me down
Don't just drop me like a leaf in the alley
Don't turn around, don't turn me down

Don't just drop me like a leaf in the street
I will fly away

If you drop me like a tree a leaf I will fly away
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Danny Boy by Corny Held  
3:06 min.  
Corny Held: all instruments
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow

'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
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Misty Meadow by Corny Held  
3:58 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
When I hear Ihe sound of the falling rain
Glimpse erratic drops on my windowpane
Deep in their little light I see
No peace of mind is inside me
I want to lie down and take rest
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

When I find you standing at my door
When I know what you're waiting for
I feel somehow you're never free
& I need time to be with me
I want to lie down, take my time -
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

I want to lie down take some rest
I want to lie down out of sight
I want to lie down, take my time -
I want to take my time to live
I want to take my time to love
I want to take my time to think
I want to lie down
I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest
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Alchemist's Blues by Corny Held  
5:46 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Thomas Bartels:e-guitar
There is a potion to make a life good
what does it take, some fun - some food
But life itself is what you should
as well put in anyway
and here's what I say
it will be good

and then you'll need a few more things
the devil's memory and an angels wing
A poem's wisdom & your latest sin
Put in all kinds of mood
and it'll be as good
as it should

Give all that in an earthen pot
and add a wizard's spell
You got to drink it when it's hot
& use the wind to stir it well

Take water from a wishing well
light a fire of whatever you find
- it's up to you now -
A cauldron full of burning hell
and soothe it with your mind

Make sure you got a dragon's heart
a fairy's tale, an actor's part
Your lucky number and a gypsy's rune
and put alruna in
the color of your grin
and autumn moon

Some artificial sort of glue
All of your feelings that are true
You got to wear a magic ring
and add a rainy spring
an ancient word to sing
a newborn tune

Brew all that in an iron pot
and add a wizard's spell
You got to drink it when it's hot
and use a storm to stir it well

Take water from a wishing well
light a fire of whatever you find
A cauldron full of burning hell
and soothe it with your mind
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No More War by Corny Held  
4:46 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Micha El Dilly: e-guitar
Matthias Scheel: backing voc., percussion
There are fires burning
Everywhere the flames

A killing kind of yearning
The enemies have no names
Everywhere the passions
Aren't ruled by reason
First comes agression
Society's brain is freezing

Somebody said war's everywhere

Peace is but a lid
Over a boiling pot
Sometimes you can't cool it
Spilling what's too hot
Steaming 'round a violence
In the air to touch
Hatred can't be freedom
And both can be too much

Somebody said war's everywhere

People in the world
From so many different parts
Got different shapes and colours
But the same feelings in their hearts
All created equal,
Who's superior ?
Respect is what you can't steal
And what you can't fight for

Don't you make war come everywhere

Make No more war
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Death And Life Are One by Corny Held  
3:44 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass
Your dreams are made of glass
They're fragile like a Cristmas-tree ball
and when you ever ask
if this is really all
there's to it
I think you knew it's going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Your wishes are of smoke
they vanish high in the air
and when you ever hope
that something was really there
It's gonna fool you
gonna cool you - going

Down, down, it is going down
breathe, freeze, it's a cold, cold breeze
Round, round, only turning round
Run, run, death and life are one.

Daylight and nighttime
Moonrise, wind is white, and shadows fly
But we are ground bound
and it takes power to die

Ocean waves and quiet lakes
Rainy days and ways that end -
in vanished lands
a beach of sand
we're ground bound

Run, run, death and life are one
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Four Little Mice by Corny Held  
2:59 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Axel Wagner: keyboards,g e-uitar
I was just gonna get me something to eat
I knew the fridge was full of cheese and rolls and meat
But when I opened it just guess what I could see and hear
Four little mice were dancing around the beer
They saw me standing there and stared at me
and asked me what the hell that was supposed to be
and started laughing

Ha ha ha ha ha .................

Four little mice were dancing in my fridge
One of them could talk, he said his name was Mitch
He was so cute and shy and had black button eyes
And he could not understand why I was so surprised
They saw me standing there and looked at me
And told me there was nothing left to eat
and started laughing

Ha ha ha ha ha .................

Four little mice are dancing in my fridge
Their names are Jeff and John and Miles and Mitch
I fell in love with them and keep them there for fun
And in my fridge I know a party's going on
When I open it they dance for me
And I don't care what that's supposed to be
and I start laughing

Ha ha ha ha ha .................
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Fall And Rise by Corny Held  
6:00 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, e-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass

Fall and rise - fall and rise
At night the sun falls in the sea
And the night falls down on me
and the world falls into sleep
something's rising in a dream

Some things rise when others fall
There's no time to have them all
What is leaving, who will call
What is rising from this fall?

In fall the leaves fall off the trees
And cold rain falls down on me
Then snow falls on the mistletoe
And icy fog hides what I know
Watch it move and watch it go
Something's rising and will grow

Some things rise when others fall
There's no time to have them all
What is leaving, who will call
What is rising from this fall?

All life must fall in time
Something's rising in my mind
The world is falling, I stay here
I feel it somehow disappear
It is a show, it's no more real
It won't touch me, that's the deal
And everything's away some day
Something's rising, anyway.

Some things rise when others fall
There's no time to have them all
What is leaving, who will call
What is rising from this fall?
Something's rising

Fall and rise - fall and rise
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Love Song by Corny Held  
5:52 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Volker Kamp: bass
Markus Kaiser: e-guitar
Oh, you can break loveBut then you can't mend it
Yeah, you can shake love and sure you can end it
If you want to take loveYou've got to tend it
If you just want to make love You don't have to spend it
But it's too late to leave
it has grown, it's a home
Don't want back what you give
You can't lend it

Oh, you can tear loveand you don't have to fee it
and you can scare lovein the moment you see it
There are ways to declare love But you can't guarantee it
You may wish that you share love It ain't easy to free it
Then it's too late to leave
It has grown, it's a home
Don't refuse what you own
You can't flee it

What do you cry for?You cannot buy love
Why do you lie for a way to deny love?
There is nothing to die for, so how justify love?
There's no-one to try for,I gave you my love
But it's too late to leave
It has grown, it's a home
Don't you see, life is just
you and I, love.
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Addicted To You by Corny Held  
3:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, flute
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Thomas Bartels: e-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Sitting in the shadow of an old willow tree - all alone
there upon a meadow thinking of you and me - where you've gone
You had said you're gonna meet me in the morning
Sitting in the shadow of an old willow tree -
there upon a meadow, all the world full of glee
Waiting for you, but I guess you are leaving me - all alone.

Birds do fly over mountains and seas
Clouds are white - they are free like the breeze
In the morning, world awaking, there is sunlight and shade
in the morning, I am waiting, cause I think we had a date

and I'm addicted to you, I just can't help it
I'm addicted to you, won't let you go
I'm addicted to you, although I hate it
I'm addicted to you, and I guess you know

Words do fly and meanings don't cease
Vows comply with our need to be pleased
In a promise, hope is rising, growing colors that won't fade
It's a ribbon, it's disguising, it can be an open gate
and I'm addicted to you...

Sitting in the shadow of the old willow tree - don't know why
Spirits got to get low, what you said seems to be - lies, just lies
Don't believe you want to treat me like you're doing
Sitting in the shadow of the old willow tree
Stand me up again, so that I no longer see
if I want to trust you, but I know I'm not free - and I'll try.
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Visions by Corny Held  
6:21 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Corny Held: vocals, guitars, flute, bass, keyboards
Sometimes I feel like a motherless breeze
-a daffodil seed
-a balloon without ground
-a symphony sound
a long way from home

Sometimes I look like a flower in the rain
- an idea without aim
-a letter in the wind
-a saint who has sinned
A long way from life

Sometimes I dream of a doublefaced moon
-of a life behind stars
-of voices as bars
A long way from love
a long way from home
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Moonrise Bandversion by Corny Held  
4:40 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
Heinz "Fridolin" Friedrich: e-guitar

Moon rises over the forest,
moon rises over the town
Moon flying white horses
moonlight is pouring down - like milk
Moonlight is all around
Keeps dripping on the ground
All things begin to float
Drowse - daytime in a boat
And it's dripping from trees
and dancing on seas
and streaming over meadows
creating beautiful shadows,

Strange voices out of water,
strange voices in the wind
Strange features, night's daughters
mild creatures, songs they sing - like silk
Knowing a lullaby
breathe veils around the sky
sounds drizzling out silence
trying to drown violence
they know what rest is,
they can give peace,
and they don't disturb a lover
and offer wonderers cover.

They can as well flood wisdom with tears
Those they don't like
will only sense fright and fears -
It's dangerous - rapturous - treacherous

Moon rises over the forest
mild mellow over the town
Narcotic resources
spilt moonlight pouring down - like milk.
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Banal Song by Corny Held  
4:10 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar, flute
Axel Wagner: drums
Detlef Doll: bass
J�rgen Grewing: e-guitar
Hans Schulz: vocals
Want to be your lady, like I used to be
And I hope maybe we're gonna meet
You're gone and I'm only longing and lonely

I'm missing you
You're just a handsome guy I know
Walking with you was a show
What you've been doing
I don't want to know

And I can't live without your love any more.

Want to be your lady, be it again
And I hope maybe we're still friends
But now I fell only Low and lonely

I am missing you

If you have time, come over now
I want to see you anyhow
I have been missing you so much
I long to hear you, to feel your touch

And I can't live without your love any more
Ganzen Song hören

Riverdance by Corny Held  
3:22 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Jürgen Grewing: e-guitar
Volker Piske: bass
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
The lady of the river
her eyes were green
her hair was blue
and her skin aquamarine
She was wearing pearls and silver on her hands
I think she was a mermaid
but she could dance.

She was a queen and she let her hair float
around her shoulders and around my boat
Her streamline body
sparkling bright
whe she moved along the waves in the pale moonlight

One day at noon
she was singing a song
when the lord of the ocean
came along
He looked like her
except that he was male
with his watery shine and his fishy tail.

And that's the way it is meant to be
He fell in love with her
and he took her to the sea
Never again
I have seen them here
When the moon would dance on waves
I felt she's near

Lady of the river
dance with me
Lady of the river
cold and sweet
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See You Tonight by Corny Held  
3:55 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Andrea Bollig: bass, backing voc.
Markus Kerner: e-guitar
The world is drowning in the misty fields
Lights are floating on the river
The sky above is crimson and unreal
A breeze is singing, willows shiver
& then a vision creeps into my mind
& makes me see what's gonna be -
I know I want it
I want to see you tonight

And then a mood is crawling over me
I feel my goosebumps to the soles of my feet
It's not a dream, I know it's gonna be
The time when elves and reason meet
There is a fire in the sky above
It lights my soul, it's flashing love
& I surrender -
Want to be with you tonight

& there is life in everything around
& there is life in every moment
& there is life in all the sparkling sounds
& there is life, ist own endowment
Forgot my worries, it is life I found
& all the shadows lead the way - I am coming

Just let me be with you tonight
I want to see you tonight
Want to be with you tonight
I long to see you tonight
Gonna be with you tonight
I'm gonna see you tonight
Ganzen Song hören

Don't Care Why by Corny Held  
4:36 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, flute, bass, keyb.
I had seen you deep in my dream
Can't forget what I have seen
Can't stop waiting that we're going to meet
You were a vision, maybe deceit

How can I ger there, how can I try
I think I will travel high on my sigh
Want to be with you, I want to fly
You touched my soul, and I don't care why

Some kind of magic smile in your eyes
the age you are from maybe ancient and wise
I'm caught in your net like a fish in the sea
mystery spell that you've put on me

I want to float far into that dream
visions aren't always what they first seem
power of mind, here's what I find
giving me time to leave all things behind
Ganzen Song hören

Hey Joe by Corny Held  
5:16 min.  
Corny Held: Gesang, Gitarren
Axel Wagner: Schlagzeug, E-Gitarre
Der letzte Hippie lebt im Ruhrgebiet
Und We shall overcome ist immer noch sein Lieblingslied
Er hat die Haare lang und wohnt im Fass
unter der Ruhrtalbrücke und raucht Gras

Er nennt sich
Joe, hey Joe, love and peace and rock 'n' roll
Joe, hey Joe, war die alte Zeit nicht toll
Joe, hey Joe, als Hendrix aus den Boxen quoll
Joe, hey Joe, et is vorbei, so isset woll.

Neulich war ne Demo, die Studenten ham gestreikt.
Joe is hin, wie früher, da hat er sich gefreut.
Sie wolln die Welt nicht retten, das Establishment verdrehn,
Es geht nur um die Kohle, aber trotzdem isset schön

Joe, hey Joe, love and peace and rock 'n' roll
Joe, hey Joe, war die alte Zeit nicht toll
Joe, hey Joe, als Hendrix aus den Boxen quoll
Joe, hey Joe, et is vorbei, so isset woll.

Die Mia wohnt in Wattenscheid, wo die Kommune war
noch immer trägt sie Minirock und Blumen in ihrm Haar.
Und wie se auffe Demo stand im Flower-Power-Kleid
Nahm Joe se anne Hand und sagt: Komm mit, et is nich weit.

Ich bin der
Joe, hey Joe, und Mia denkt an rock 'n' roll
Joe, hey Joe, war die alte Zeit nicht toll
Joe, hey Joe, als Hendrix aus den Boxen quoll
Joe, hey Joe, et is vorbei, so isset woll.

Die Mia war ja selber in Woodstock mit dabei.
Sie blieb der freien Liebe schon immer gerne treu
Se guckten an und denkt O Mann, der Typ hat langes Haar,
da geht se mit und geht mit Joe und jetzt sind sie ein Paar.

Joe, hey Joe ...
Wir bleiben hier - im Revier
Ganzen Song hören

Be My Baby by Corny Held  
3:57 min.  
Corny Held: lead voc., a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Thieme: bass
Andr� Urban: e-guitar
Some folks live diamonds,
some love stone
Some don't feel bad
when they're alone
I don't want diamonds
Don't care about stone
and I don't love being alone
Why don't you stay
for a while or a day
and be my Baby...

Some build on concrete,
some on sand
Some never need
a helping hand
I build on nothing
Don't care about home
But there are times
I want a friend
Why don't you stay
for a while or a day
and be my Baby ...
Ganzen Song hören

Es freit ein wilder Wassermann by Corny Held  
2:18 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Christiane Schmitz: cello
Es freit ein wilder Wassermann
In der Burg wohl über dem See.
Des Königs Tochter musst er han,
Die schöne junge Lilofee.

Sie hörte drunten Glocken gehn
Im tiefen, tiefen See.
Wollt' Vater und Mutter wiedersehn,
Die schöne junge Lilofee.

Und als sie vor dem Tore stand,
Vor der Burg wohl über dem See,
Da neigt sich Laub und grünes Gras
Vor der schönen jungen Lilofee.

Und als sie aus der Kirche kam
Von der Burg wohl über dem See,
Da stand der wilde Wassermann
Vor der schönen jungen Lilofee.

"Sprich, willst du hinuntergehn mit mir
Von der Burg wohl über dem See?
Deine Kindlein unten weinen nach dir,
Du schöne junge Lilofee.

"Und eh ich die Kindlein weinen lass
Im tiefen, tiefen See,
Scheid ich von Laub und grünem Gras,
Ich arme junge Lilofee."
Ganzen Song hören

Swaying by Corny Held  
4:34 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, keyboards
Axel Wagner: drums
Martin Wesolowski: bass
Günther Ernst:percussion
I was tired in the morning
and I tried to sleep
When all kinds of thoughts would haunt me
Old desires growing deep
and my body seemed to reach for you
No other love was such
We were dancing on a vision
I'm still loving you too much

I could feel your body swaying
in the rhythm of your heartbeat
I could feel your body swaying

I was tired in the morning
I went back to bed
Then I closed my eyes
I remembered what we had
I imagined you were close to me
thought I felt your touch
and I cannot really help it
I'm still loving you too much

I was with you in the morning
Fancied what had been
Felt your hair caress my shoulder
and your hands upon my skin
Satifaction can be absolute
Thrills I try to clutch
I can't give you up like smoking
I'm still loving you too much
Ganzen Song hören

The Handsome Cabin Boy by Corny Held  
5:59 min.  
Axel Wagner: drums
Jürgen Grewing: e-guitar
Volker Piske: bass
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
It's of a pretty female
As you may understand.
Her mind it went off rambling
into some foreign land,
She dressed herself in manly clothes,
Or so it does appear,
And she hired with a captain
To serve him for a year.

The captain's wife sh'd been on board,
She seemed in great joy
To think the captain had engaged
Such a handsome cabin boy,
That now and then she'd fling him a kiss,
And she would have liked to toy,
But 'the captain found out the secret
Of the handsome cabin boy.

Her cheeks they were like roses red
And her hair lay in a curl.
The sailors often smiled and said
she looked just like a girl.
But eating of the captain's biscuits
Her colour did destroy,
And the waist did swell of pretty Nell,
The handsome cabin boy.

It was in the bay of Biscay
Our goddamn ship did plow.
One night among the sailors
Was a fearful scurrying row.
They tumbled from their hammocks
For their sleep it did destroy,
And they swore about the groaning
Of the handsome cabin boy.

"Oh doctor, dear, oh doctor,"
The cabin boy did cry.
"My time has come, I am undone,
And surely I will die."
The doctor come a-runnin'
And a-smilin' at the fun.
To think a sailor lad should have
A daughter or a son.

The sailors when they saw the joke
They all did stand and stare.
The child belonged to none of them,
They solemnly did swear.
The captain's wife, she said to him,
"My dear, I wish you joy,
For 'tis either you or me's betrayed
The handsome cabin boy!"

Now each man take your tot of rum
And drink success to trade,
And likewise to the cabin boy
That was neither man nor maid.
Here's hoping the wars don't rise again
Our sailors to destroy,
And here's hoping for a jolly lot more
like the handsome cabin boy
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What A Difference A Day Makes by Corny Held  
2:10 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar
Axel Wagner: percussion
What a difference a day made
Twenty-four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain

My yesterday was blue, dear
Today I'm part of you, dear
My lonely nights are through, dear
Since you said you were mine

What a difference a day makes
There's a rainbow before me
Skies above can't be stormy
Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss

It's heaven when you find romance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is you
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