Songs Without Band

Corny Held

15 Songs (Folk-Rock), 56:05 min.
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Die CD enthält Songs mit meistens nur einer Gitarrenbegleitung, manchmal kommt noch ein wenig Bass, Keyboard oder Querflöte dazu. Einige Songs gibt es auch als Bandversion auf anderen CDs.

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2


Fantasy Fair (without band) by Corny Held  
4:25 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals, flute
Are you going to fantasy fair
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
Remember me to one who lives there
For he once was a true love of mine

Tell him to build me a castle of thoughts
Dreams, ideas, wishes, dentities, time
with lamps made of wisdom and shelves made of hopes
And then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to fill it with creatures of peace
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
And with carpets woven of old memories
And then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to paint it in colors of love
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
a banner of lyrics waving above
And then he'll be a true love of mine

O, will you find me a magical land
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
Where nothing's forgotten and things never end
Or never be a true love of mine

O, will you make it a festival place
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
And invite those we want and those we create
Or never be a true love of mine

And when you have done and finished your work
Dreams, ideas, wishes, identities, time
Then come to me and say the right word
And you shall be a true love of mine.
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Fly, Time (without band) by Corny Held  
4:49 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
I remember there was a garden
and a place for love to be
I remember a time without worries
Good and evil could meet in peace.
Life bid me: Take me easy!
I'll grow for you whatever you need
But I was young and foolish
and all these things meant nothing to me

Fly, time, fly
passing me by or taking me high
leave me behind, it'll all be all right
with no way and no schedule
and no reason why
Fly, time, fly

In a field down by the river
my love and I did stand
and on my yearning shoulder
moonlight laid ist cold white hand
Love bid me: Take me easy!
cause the world knows more than me
But I was young and foolish
with nothing I would agree

Now weeds grow in the garden
and love still haunts my brain
I'm older but not wiser
I'd do the same again
The world says: Take me easy!
but the wind is full of tears
You must remain young and foolish
or it all might disappear
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Down By The Lake by Corny Held  
3:18 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Down by the lake
in the woods
I met my love
down by the water

Down by the lake
in the sunshine
we were happy
down by the water

Once it was raining
he said goodbye
in our little hut
down by the water

I can't weep now
I can't feel
Just remember dreams
sitting down by the water

See them float
See them drown
See the sun set
and dark, broad water.
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Imagination by Corny Held  
5:13 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals, flute
See the world in a mirror
Like I'm standing otside
When I look in the twilight sky
full of shadows, full of mystics, it's so high

There are hundreds of watching eyes
Moisture veiling their light
I can see through them what I like
clouds are driven shapes of water, blue & white

Hear the wind like a promise, I want it to be true
But it might be a lie like the ones that I knew

Why can I not believe my eyes
moaning winds mock my tunes
Can I trust in their minstrelsy
is it real, is it true identity?

See all things in a mirror
Fumes of figures I met
Fugitives from mere images
so illusive they can't haunt me with deceit

Twilight full of reflections
through the eyes of the sky
so familiar it's driving home
an ideal, it's an idyll, just a lie

Had to rely on some outlines,
dawn had made them complete
Now I fill in the features the way that I need

Fantasy is a mirror
Truth is only a word
Never wait for reality
Life is only what you want it to be
Life ain't no more than it just seems to be.
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Senses (without band) by Corny Held  
3:11 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
One night a full moon came on shining down
A lady rode upon the rays
So transparent she stood upon the ground
and sparkled like the milky ways
and she said:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But she was made of haze, I had no chance to see
her in that shape again

Now I want to
find, find out what's behind
find, find out more
find, find what's behind
I want to find a hidden door

One day a lilly opened up ist head
A fairy sailed along ist smell
and iridescent like a summer breeze
Out of her eyes an opal dewdrop fell
and she breathed:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But she was made of scent, I had no chance to see
her in that shape again

There was a river giggling towards a lake
A wizard floated through ist tune
So magic hovering above the waves
He chanted some eternal June
and he mumbled:
Why don't you believe in me
and you don't even know my name?
But he was made of sound, I had no chance to see
him in that shape again.
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Lark In The Clear Air by Corny Held  
2:41 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, a-guitar, e-guitar
Axel Wagner: drums
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
Christiane Schmitz: cello
Dear thoughts are in my mind
And my soul soars enchanted
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
For a tender beaming smile
To my hope has been granted
And tomorrow she shall hear
All my fond heart would say

I shall tell her all my love
And my soul's adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say me nay
It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day
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Banal Song (without band) by Corny Held  
3:15 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Hans Schulz: backing vocals
Want to be your lady, like I used to be
And I hope maybe we're gonna meet
You're gone and I'm only longing and lonely

I'm missing you
You're just a handsome guy I know
Walking with you was a show
What you've been doing
I don't want to know

And I can't live without your love any more.

Want to be your lady, be it again
And I hope maybe we're still friends
But now I fell only Low and lonely

I am missing you

If you have time, come over now
I want to see you anyhow
I have been missing you so much
I long to hear you, to feel your touch

And I can't live without your love any more
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Wishes (without band) by Corny Held  
3:52 min.  
Corny Held: bass, keyboards, vocals
I wish I was a mermaid
At the bottom of the sea
With all those cute young fishermen
diving after me.
I wish i could just float
I wish I could just be
And anyway nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let uf float,
let us be free

I wish I was a phoenix
soaring in the air
With all the winds caressing me
but I don't really care.
I wish I could just rise
I wish I could just be
And then again nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let us glide
let us be free

I wish i was a song
in a great composer's mind
With all the people in the world
listening all the time
I wish I could just sound
A voice I want to be
And sometimes haunt them to make sure
they are not forgetting me.

Come along, do resound,
let us be free

I wish I was a clear palantir
in a wizard's hand
He would believe what I foresee
And he would be a friend.
I wish then I could show him
what is going to be
And if he did all right
he were to see what I can see

Come along, let us know,
let us be free.
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What Are You Dreaming Of (without band) by Corny Held  
2:24 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
What are you dreaming of
What do you dream?

If it ain't nothing, it ain't true
it can't be nothing for you

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream

Is it a dream about what's gonna be
Is it about the things you know can't be real

Is it a woman (man), an ideal,
Is it just what you can't feel

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?

Is it a dream to bring back former times
Is it of luck or is it making you cry

Is it of happiness or pain
Does it bring sunshine or rain

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?

Try to get rid of what's taking your time
Try to get rid of what's taking your time

Cares of tomorrow aren't true
Cares of tommorrow haunt you

What are you dreaming of
What do you dream ?
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Lullaby (without band) by Corny Held  
3:03 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Hey little baby can you see the moon
It'll light your night, you'll be sleeping soon
It'll send you dreams where the world is fine
because you don't know life, sweet child of mine

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad

Hey little baby can you see the trees
and in their leaves hear the gentle breeze
they'll whisper peace into your ears
and send you dreams of life that knows no tears

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad

Hey little baby can you trust the world
'cause you don't know violence and you don't know greed
the creatures of the night will send you dreams
where the world is nice and the folks are sweet

Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Some day you'll find life can be bad
Don't you wake up, it'll make you cry
Some day you'll find life is no lullaby
Don't you wake up, it'll make you sad
Too soon you'll find life can be bad
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Es Freit Ein Wilder Wassermann (without band) by Corny Held  
2:35 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Es freit ein wilder Wassermann
In der Burg wohl über dem See.
Des Königs Tochter musst er han,
Die schöne junge Lilofee.

Sie hörte drunten Glocken gehn
Im tiefen, tiefen See.
Wollt' Vater und Mutter wiedersehn,
Die schöne junge Lilofee.

Und als sie vor dem Tore stand,
Vor der Burg wohl über dem See,
Da neigt sich Laub und grünes Gras
Vor der schönen jungen Lilofee.

Und als sie aus der Kirche kam
Von der Burg wohl über dem See,
Da stand der wilde Wassermann
Vor der schönen jungen Lilofee.

'Sprich, willst du hinuntergehn mit mir
Von der Burg wohl über dem See?
Deine Kindlein unten weinen nach dir,
Du schöne junge Lilofee.

'Und eh' ich die Kindlein weinen lass
Im tiefen, tiefen See,
Scheid ich von Laub und grünem Gras,
Ich arme junge Lilofee.'
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Back (without band) by Corny Held  
3:53 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Watch the moon fly
White clouds pass by
Watch the flowers grow
They die in winter in the snow

And then again I want to be
back in a world I tried to flee
And then again I want to be
back where I failed to find some glee

Sing a song
With the river's song
There's nothing I belong
to and I know that sure is wrong

And then again I want to be
back in a world that's not for me
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's hating me
And then again I want to be
back in a world I had to flee

Think of you
What you'd do
How things have changed
and you've become so strage

And then again I want to be
back in a world I tried to flee
And then again I want to be
back where I failed to find some glee
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's not for me
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's hating me
And then again I want to be
back in a world I had to flee
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Snow Queen (without band) by Corny Held  
6:38 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Michael Hrziwnak: bass
She was wearing metal earrings and her eyes, they were all ice
Icicles were in her hair, her dress was long and white
So cool she was, her body and her heart were made of snow
Her beauty so deep frozen that it never seemed to go.

And she was sparkling, when she danced on ice
Sparkling - in the pale winter sunlight
Sparkling, through the falling snow
sparkling - in the winter moonglow
Sparkling -
She was his queen, the snow queen of his dream

She lived inside a castle, the northwind blowing through
with translucent walls in pale light blue
Before the ice-flowered windows dark world in white got lost
Her wishes of snow crystals, her soul it was all frost.

And she was sparkling, when she danced on ice ?.

He decided to go anywhere to find her there
Where is was and how he should, he didn't even care
His love deep and longing, his heart was all aglow
He knew that he would make it, and he wasn't scared of snow.

One day he really saw her, so great was his desire
he fell in love at once, she set his soul on fire
But warmth was not her world, she started melting in the heat
And soon became a water pool around his feet.
the castle put the fire out as it came on dripping down
He felt like screaming and he frowned, but quickly he got drowned
And all you see there now is a mighty iceberg on the ground
Mysteriously gleaming blue with iceworks all around

and it is sparkling in the dance of snow
it is sparkling in the winter moonglow
sparkling - in the starry nights
sparkling - like the queen of ice

And she was sparkling, when she danced on ice
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Sometimes (without band) by Corny Held  
4:29 min.  
Corny Held: vocals, guitar
Mr.Schulz: steel-string guitar
Sometimes I sit in a corner and cry
Sometimes I like it, but I don't know why
Feeling alone, thinking of the past
of things that are gone, and of things that can't last

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.

Sometimes I sit in a corner and see
your face and your body right in front of me
Forgetting what we lacked, I recall what was fine
All things turn better when they're no longer mine

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.

Now I don't want to meet you, you must have grown old
Don't wreck my dreaming or turn my memories cold
Life ain't worth a damn without wishes any more
What's the use of hearts that have never been sore

Sometimes I sit in a corner and cry
It could have been different, but there's no reason why
Sometimes I find that my memory's grown cold
and then I get up and I feel I've grown old.

Sometimes -
some precious, marvellous, magic times.
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Ave Maria by Corny Held  
2:12 min.  
Corny Held: guitar, vocals
Ave Maria
gratia plena
dominus tecum
benedicta tu
in mulieribus
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui
Sancta Maria
Sancta Maria,
ora pro nobis
nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora
in hora mortis nostrae
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