Misty Meadow Single
by Corny Held

4 Songs (Folk-Rock), 15:27 min.

Ein Song, 4 verschiedene Versionen

Booklet 1 * Booklet 2

5 €

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Songs :

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lyrics When I hear Ihe sound of the falling rain
Glimpse erratic drops on my windowpane
Deep in their little light I see
No peace of mind is inside me
I want to lie down and take rest
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

When I find you standing at my door
When I know what you're waiting for
I feel somehow you're never free
& I need time to be with me
I want to lie down, take my time -
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

I want to lie down take some rest
I want to lie down out of sight
I want to lie down, take my time -
I want to take my time to live
I want to take my time to love
I want to take my time to think
I want to lie down
I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

Short Demo-Clip

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lyrics When I hear Ihe sound of the falling rain
Glimpse erratic drops on my windowpane
Deep in their little light I see
No peace of mind is inside me
I want to lie down and take rest
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

When I find you standing at my door
When I know what you're waiting for
I feel somehow you're never free
& I need time to be with me
I want to lie down, take my time -
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

I want to lie down take some rest
I want to lie down out of sight
I want to lie down, take my time -
I want to take my time to live
I want to take my time to love
I want to take my time to think
I want to lie down
I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

Short Demo-Clip

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lyrics Es regnet Topfen an das Glas
Sie irren hin und her zum Spass
In ihrem kleinen Flackerlicht
erkennt man: Ruhe gibt es nicht.
Ich will nur träumen, möchte ruhn
Nichts mehr versäumen, nichts mehr tun
und ungesehn die Zeit verstehn -
Es müsste eine Wiese sein
mit Morgennebelsonnenschein
für mich alleine

Da kann man liegen und zum Frieden fliegen und alles sein -

Wenn du vor meiner Türe stehst
Und wartest dass du mit mir gehst
Seh ich, hell wie im Neonlicht
geschrieben: Freiheit gibt es nicht.
Doch ich will träumen, brauche Zeit
Nichts mehr versäumen, nichts mehr eilt
Und alles schwebt und alles lebt -
Es könnte eine Wiese sein
im Abendnebelsonnenschein
für mich alleine

Da kann man liegen und zum Frieden fliegen und alles sein -

Ich will nur träumen, möchte ruhn
Nichts mehr versäumen, alles tun
Und ganz allein nur bei mir sein -
Es könnte eine Wiese sein
im Morgennebelsonnenschein
Da will ich Zeit, doch ist es weit
für mich alleine -

Da kann man liegen und zum Frieden fliegen und alles sein -

Short Demo-Clip

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lyrics When I hear the sound of the falling rain
Glimpse erratic drops on my windowpane
Deep in their little light I see
No peace of mind is inside me
I want to lie down and take rest
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

When I find you standing at my door
When I know what you're waiting for
I feel somehow you're never free
& I need time to be with me
I want to lie down, take my time -
I wish there was a place to hide
Why can't there be some fog around me
I want to lie down

I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

I want to lie down take some rest
I want to lie down out of sight
I want to lie down, take my time -
I want to take my time to live
I want to take my time to love
I want to take my time to think
I want to lie down
I want to lie down on a misty meadow and take some rest

Short Demo-Clip

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Alle Corny Held - Songs als Download (1€), Demo-Clips, Song-Postcards, auf selbst creierten CDs
sowie alle Alben auch hier bestellbar:
All Corny Held - Songs also available as download (1€), demo-clips, song-postcards, individually created CDs
as well as the physical albums here:

Email Sounderella: mail LC-30510

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